Explaining Remembering and starting mating

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Read the damn title there will be sex so don't read if you don't want to I'll put bold words saying it.

Damn my fucking head hurts like hell!

Then I notice my surroundings, I'm on a bed in ehat looks like a cabin bedroom the sun is shining, the birds are singing, I am handcuffed to the bed, you know the usual.

"Finally you're awake!" Judy exclaimed.

"Shut the fuck up I think I have a fucking hangover and mind getting Evan or Ian to see if magic could help."

Next thing I know everyone is there.

"Shadow just will it to happen just imagine something calming but nit to teleport cuz the handcuffs will hurt you if you try to escape. "

I thought of...I don't know music...Talk dirty to me, Happily, We can't stop, Wrecking Ball, and others that came to my head.

Then I thought of my house with Wesley.

They did get tighter but I can zone out things like people, voices, pain, you name it, but they didn't hurt much in the first place.

Then I noticed this hot dude that had black hair with red and blue at the tips, real hot he probably had and eight pack, had really dark eyes they looked between a dark gray and black, he had a piercing in his bottom lip, tongue (he ran hus tongue over his lips, and his left eyebrow. The definition of hot and attractive, and mysterious, and sexy, and well the list would never end he was really fucking hot

but something about him attracted me more he reminded me of Zayn but wasn't of course cuz Zayn was kinda next to me...maybe this dude was like the most dominant mate?

"Love, take a picture. I'm Wesley, well I go by Wesley." He sounded british i wonder if he seriously related to Zayn, maybe twin brother? Wait what the fuck! Never would thought I'd have a crush on a guy named Wesley...but damn he was hot.

"Wait why the fuck am I here and why am I handcuffed last j remember was drinking after I felt Damien you kniw getting it on with Max I think but why the hell am I here?"

" You don't remeber do you, love? Shadow it has been about three weeks almost four, you know everytime you fell in pain you would drink, up until a week ago we finally got you to go outside to feed, you know blood for your vampire side and you found Wesley and you started saying mate and he was human and you changed him after kussing him before we could stop you and now he's vampire and werewolf but he was a little weak so you, Ian, and Evan had to help him with magic and he's a little like a warlock too but he has to work on it. Oh and he is my twin brother, love, though he was given for adoption. (A/N idc if Zayn doesn't have a twin brother it's my freaking book if it bothers you then why read it.)

"And Wesley isn't my first name but you will find it ironic if I told you. "

"Let me guess River, Tyler, no I know Shadow!" I said sarcastically until I said Shadow.

"How'd you know"

"Like I've said, that's for me to know and for you to never know." I said smirking.

Oh! Now I remember but I don't remember Wesley...

" Wait what does all that have to do with me handcuffed?"

"You're in heat, again."

And, wait for it, SHIT!

"This we should have done a long while ago, Shadow," Mr.or-I mean Jeremy said.

"But first Wesley has to mark you were Damien had marked you." Devon said.

"Can we just call him Shadow or a nickname cuz everytime I think of you know Wesley as in Wesley Stupidass James Gibson."

Two,four, six, eight... matesWhere stories live. Discover now