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Monday June, 3

Just like any other day Youngjae and his friends, yugyeom, jinyoung, and Jackson found themselves in the school cafeteria having friendly arguments and conversations.

Jinyoung:"so guys what are we doing after school today?"he said taking a bite out of his sandwich.

Youngjae:"I hear they just opened up a new coffee shop like 10 minutes of campus, wanna try it?"he shoved s pile of rice in his mouth

Yugyeom:"I'm in"he sipped his cola

Jackson:"what's the name of this place?"he scrolled through his phone.

Youngjae:"let me look it up"he reached for his pocket finding his phone wasn't there "oh snap guys I left my phone back in English, I gotta go I'll see you guys after last period"he quickly got up waving goodbye to his friends.

Youngjae POV

"God I can't believe I did that" I ran into the classroom grabbing my phone of the desk. "And I left it open, come on kid you gotta be careful"I hit myself in the head at my own stupidity. I scroll through my phone making sure that all my stuff was still in order, much to my relief it was.

"It's already 1:24 I gotta get to math before I'm late"I looked at the time and rushed my way to math class.

(Time skip, after class)

Youngjae and his friends met at the schools front gates, just as they always do.

Jackson:"so did you find out what the place is called?" He stated referring to youngjae.

Youngjae:"no, I was kinda in a rush but I know the way so let's go, I'm hungry and I want my coffee"he pulled up his backpack and began walking.

It was only a 10 minute walk just as youngjae stated before. The whole way there was filled with laughing and juvenile arguments between jinyoung and yugyeom.

Once there they all sat at a table toward the back of the restaurant, where they were soon greeted by a young waitress.

Minji:"hi, my name is minji and I'll be your server. What can I get you all?"she smiled brightly.

Jinyoung:"I'll just have a iced coffee please"

Yugyeom:"I would like a vanilla latte"

Jackson:"Americano please"

Youngjae:"I'll have a chocolate chip frappe and can we get order of

Minji:"of course! I'll have that right out"she finished writing in her notepad and walked away to make their drink's

Jinyoung:"so guys how was 4th period?"he said looking up from his phone

Yugyeom:"my legs are killing me from dance class"he said rubbing his thigh.

Jackson:"gym was the same, but remind me I have practice on Wednesday"he referred to jinyoung, he always remembers things.

Jinyoung:"got it"he gave a thumbs up.

Youngjae:"math class was hell, I had this 70 question pop quiz now my brain hurts"he said rubbing his head

Yugyeom:"okay but you know you probably passes, so be happy"he patted the older's shoulder.

Youngjae:"tru-*buzz* what the"he said taking his phone from his pocket.
"Who the heck is this"

Jinyoung:"what are you talking about?"he looked puzzle at the younger

Youngjae:" some dude added me on Snapchat"he clicked the notification

Jackson:"what's the username"

Youngjae:"yoboyjb, oh snap he sent me a message"he looked slightly shocked.

Yugyeom:"open it fool I wanna see"they all crouded around youngjae

Youngjae:"okay okay I am"he clicked on the message opening the picture.

Youngjae:"What in the name of vocal Jesus is this, how did Im Jaebum get my damn Snapchat? And why is he calling me beautiful?"he stared at the picture on his phone

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Youngjae:"What in the name of vocal Jesus is this, how did Im Jaebum get my damn Snapchat? And why is he calling me beautiful?"he stared at the picture on his phone.

Jinyoung:" young man what are you doing messing around with boys like him!"he used his mom voice sitting in his seat.

Yugyeom:"yea him and his friends are trouble"he sipped his drink the waitress brought.

Jackson:"how did he even get your snap? He took a bite of a croissant

Youngjae:"I have no idea,what do I said back?"he sipped his coffee.

Yugyeom:"ask him how he got your snap"

Youngjae:"true"he took a picture of himself."and sent, that was weird but I'm to hungry to care right now"he sipped his coffee taking another bite of his croissant.

Howdy hey it's you friendly neighborhood trash author back with another story.

I had the sudden urge to do s 2jae book at 3 in the morning so here it is.

Anywho hope you guys enjoy❤
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