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It was the day, the day where Youngjae was supposed to go with JB to work on their project. The school week seemed to go by fast and he had avoided JB and his friends at all costs. Hiding behind lockets and in classrooms. He didn't know why he was just nervous, at one point he bumped into Mark who tried to apologize and he ran off claiming be left a cake in his oven.

However there was no avoiding today,one because the project needed to be worked on and second because Jinyoung said if he keeps running be would drag him up to JB and hold him there no matter how red and flustered he got.

Youngjae sighed and got up off of his bed going to his closet he grabbed the outfit that he had picked out at the mall when he was with Jinyoung. Slipping on the ripped jeans he looked in the mirror in front of him. They fit him nicely, they weren't baggy or anything, they fit just right. Next was the blue cropped sweater. That was what made him nervous. It hung loosely above the jeans that covered just above his belly button, when his arms were down but if he raised them the slightest it went up showing his stomach a bit.

"Aish I am gonna look like a freaking idiot. " he mumbled to himself and grabbed a pair of black and white converse.  Tying the laces he went into the bathroom, running some jell and water through his hair, and taking a moment to just look at himself. He hadn't had a undercut in a long time and he kinda liked it.

After brushing his teeth and such he walked out grabbing his book bag and walked down stairs. Lazily setting it in the chair by the counter he walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed an apple. Taking a bite he looked around for something to make for lunch. "ugh I need to go to the store later"he mumbled and decided on just  grabbing something on the way or just going to get it at lunch however that will be decided later.

Checking the time he was surprised he wasn't running late. Grabbing his bookbag he began walking to the door where a bright yellow sticky note was placed

Hey youngie sorry I couldn't greet you this morning, I had to go out and get somethings. I'll be back later on today, be sure to call me and let me know if you decide to go somewhere.
Lots of Love ~♡

Youngjae smiled reading the note, he had figured his mom was busy hints why she wasn't down here with him. The two are very close,  Youngjae cares for his mother and vise versa. He tucked the note in his pocket and opened the door, walking out to make his was to school.

At school

Youngjae walked into the school, the crowded hallway noisy as always. Class didn't start for quite sometime so most people used this time to quickly finish homework they didn't do the night before, or study rapidly for a test they forgot about. While others talked with friends or waited outside their class door waiting for it to open.

Walking through the crowd of people he earned a few stares and compliments. He put his head down not really use to having eyes on him. Usually he went about his day without being noticed. He held the straps of his backpack and managed to make it to the cafeteria where he saw his friends, Yugyeom, Jinyoung, and Jackson sitting at their normal table.

Youngjae quickly made his way over and sat down. The boys instantly looking up from their food. It was silent for a moment and Jackson slid Youngjae a breakfast sandwich they got him.

"Waahh you look so good" Jinyoung spoke first and clapped softly. He looked at the other with a bright and cheeky smile.

Youngjae shook his head and unwrapped the sandwich taking a bite, ignoring the looks from his friends who couldn't stop looking at him. After a few minutes he finally said something.

"what what what?! why are you guys staring at me!" he asked a bit dramatically and set his sandwich down waiting for an answer.

Jackson cleared his throat and so did Yugyeom. "we've never seen you dressed like that is all" Yugyeom mumbled and stuffed his face with his food so he wouldn't be questioned any further. Jackson on the other hand chuckled and looked behind Youngjae to see a familiar boy walking up to their table.

"quick your future man is coming" Jackson said with a slight chuckle as he looked down at his food.

Youngjae froze at first knowing just who the other was talking about. he mentally cursed at himself, regretting the decision to even show up today." Hey I'm gonna go get a drink" he stood up quickly ad turned around not realizing how close the other male was.

As soon as Youngjae turned around he was face to face with none other than Jaebum. The two had collided and Jaebums hands landed on Youngjaes hips instinctively. The youngers eyes widened and he stepped back removing his hands.

"well well, look at you cutie" Jaebum looked him up and down, a small smirk forming as he did so. He had spotted the younger as he was walking in a few moments ago with his friends Mark and Bambam.

Youngjae felt his cheeks light up a bright shade of pink at the others compliment. Being the flustered and nervous wreck he was at the time he didn't have a smart remark as he usually would."cutie? Haven't heard that one"she spoke quietly and quickly grabbed his bag, more or less running out into the hallway leaving his friends and JB speechless.

Youngjae stood in the hallway, infront of his locker and wrested his head on it. He cursed under his breath and stomped his feet in frustration. "Aish why did you show up Youngjae get your life together"he mumbled to himself and turned around. A loud gasp escaped his lips upon who he saw.

This gasp wasn't one of nervousness or being flustered. It was one of true and utter fear, he hadn't seen this boy in such a long time, and he hoped he wouldn't again. However that didn't seem to happen.

To be continued...

Hello loves I'm back. Oh lord it's been a while, did you miss me? I missed you. Anywhooo here is another update. Expect many more soon.

Have a lovely day, don't forget to vote and comment.

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