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Youngjae arrived at Jinyoungs place and didn't even bother knocking, he just barged in and sat down next to the older on the couch with a loud groan

"And wanna tell me what's going on or no?"jinyoung asked calmly and flipped through the channels.

"Ugh JB got my sketchbook and saw my drawings"he sighed and buried his face in his hands.

"Okay and?, did he like make fun of your drawing."he asked raising an eyebrow.

"No he saw my drawing of him"he dramatically fell to the floor and plopped his hands next to him.

"Why were you drawing JB"he leaned over and looked at the younger with confused eyes.

"B-because I may have sorta kinda like him in a way"he admitted to the older, he had never told anyone and always played it off even though inside when he first got that message from JB adding him on snap he wanted to explode right then and there.

"YOU WHAT!!!???"The older stood up abruptly and grabbed Youngjae, pulling him off the floor.

Youngjaes body flew up immediately and he stood on his feet not looking at the older."I'm sorry hyung I didn't tell you before."he said looking down

Jinyoung flicked the youngers forehead and sighed"idiot you should have told me, now what happened like what did he say and what did he do?"

Youngjae sighed and told jinyoung all that happened from being hit with the ball to how he ended up here in this emotional state.

Jinyoung listened intently"well maybe you should message him."he suggested and sat back in the couch.

"And say what?"he asked taking out his phone and sat back down.

"I don't know maybe start with hi"he side and selected a random movie.

Youngjae tapped the Snapchat app on his phone and swiped to JBs name.

Opened at 3:14 pm

Opened at 3:15 pm

I'm um sorry for running off earlier......
Opened at 3:18 pm

It's fine..don't worry about it, I'm sorry you got hit with the ball at practice. Mark will be apologising tomorrow
Opened at 3:20 pm

He doesn't have too I'm fine really....
Opened at 3:21 pm

Well he is going too, so just be prepared, also when are you free next week?
Opened at 3:21 pm

Hmm I'm not doing anything Wednesday- Friday, why
Opened at 3:30pm

Okay, I wanted to say let's reschedule our time to work together. Is Thursday okay?
Opened at 3:31

Yeah that's fine, after school?
Opened at 3:34 pm

Yep, I'll grab you after school and we can go get food and then you can start tutoring me
Opened at 3:37 pm

Sounds fun! See ya there.
Opened at 3:42pm

Yeah lol oh and one more thing.....
Opened at 3:45 pm

What is it?
Opened at 3:47pm

I loved your drawing ❤️ cutie
Delivered at 3:48pm

Hello my beautiful sexy readers, it's been a long time did you miss me because I missed you.!!!!!! I'm back and ready to update. I am so sorry school got in the way but it's almost break time!!!!!

I love you and thanks for sticking with me!!❤️❤️💕💕💕💕

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