The Dorms..Or Was it Apartments?

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While we walked to our dorms or apartments perhaps. I don't really know. We heard a commotion down the hall. Maybe its Ganondorf arguing with Bowser. I sighed from the annoyance of the commotion.

"Hey!"Toon Link said with a jump of happiness.

"What?"Pit said looking at him with a question look on his face.

"Will our stuff be there from our home?"

"I don't know."

"Well lets find out!"

Toon Link started to run ahead of us.He has so forgot the word..I should've payed attention at school at Dreamland. Instead King DeDeDe interrupted my studies and made fun of me.Oh well.

While we reached there catching up to him he looked so...excited! Thats the word. I think. But while we're about to open the door.There was a loud booming sound. And I looked at Pit and Pit looked at Toon Link then Toon Link looked at me.Then we were looking at each other.


Uh oh this isn't good  start off on the first day. We ran to the classroom but theres no one there. So we ran to the auditorium but the we heard a huge boom outside then a yell.

We ran as fast as we could and opened the doors. There was chaos everywhere . There were humanoids monsters that I don't even know but I can tell they can't be suck able which is a huge disadvantage for me but I can fight still. But then out the corner of my eye I saw Mirror Kirby . I was happy he's here but why?

I ran after him but my teammates were about to hold me back until they found themselves in combat.

"(Hey!)" I said yelling at Mirror Kirby.

He stopped walking then turned around and was about to attack me until he caught himself from attacking me.

"(Hey long time no see, Kirby!)"Mirror Kirby said with a smile.

"(You know I almost attacked you?)"

"(Yeah I know but thanks for the dream.)"

"(What dre- ahhh that dream..No problem buddy!)"

"(Yeah..I'm so glad that you are kinda ok bu-.Ack!)"

I was hit by a really strong hammer. My mind was fuzzy then when I saw who did it was King DeDeDe.

"(HEY WHY THE STARS DID YOU HIT ME!??)"I yelled at him in pain.

"Sorry I thought you were the mirror enemy."He said in a apologetic tone and went off to battle.

"(Sure you are King DeDeDe.)"Mirror Kirby said while he was rolling his eyes at him.

"(I promise you to Dreamland that you gotta take your stand from him.)"He said helping me get up.

"(Huhh..yeah later.)"I said with exhaustion.

"(You always say that.)"He shooked his head with a smile.

I laughed a little."(So what brings you here, Mirror?)"

"(I dunno..I forgot..heh)"He smirked.

"(As usual. .hehe)"I chuckled.

"(Yeah yeah..)"Mirror rolled his his eyes."(Oh..uh do you mind if I can hide here for a while?)"

"(Sure just hide so Dedede won't snitch on us.)"I said and thinking at the same time of what's going to happen to us if we do get caught and shudder.

"(Ok! Just lead lead me to the place and I'll hide.)"Mirror looked around suspiciously.

"(Alright.)"I took off running to the building while Mirror was behind me following.

A little while..

"(Ah here we are.)" I opened the door and motioned Mirror to get in quick. Mirro ran in quietly and I walked in the room with three doors in the hallway."(Wow..uh which one is your room?)"Mirror asked. I pointed the middle door and Mirror "ooh"ed then ran to the door and opened it while I followed him walking.

Mirror plopped himself on my bed."(It's been really long time that I, for once, had a quiet nap.)" He yawned quietly and closed eyes already sleeping. I rolled my eyes.



I facepalmed. I forgot about my friends well except for one..I think. I ran out of the dorm apartment thing and went out to the battlefield to help me friends.

There ya have it sorry for the hiatus.

Also the more favourites the more boost of confidence I'll get for writing my stories!

So that will mean a lot to me!

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