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Mirror Kirby's POV ★

"(I don't think Kirby will be happy about this.)" I said to myself out loud while walking up to the dorm. Well he should practice on his battling skills and combat they are becoming a little too rusty. Maybe he shpuld go to that battle even though kinda deserves it--wait ehst I'm thinking?? Th7s is Kirby we are talking about he can be quite lazy but he sure is good at battling but..

I wasn't paying attention until I hit the dorm's door I fell back in a daze. Note to self I should really stop thinkinh while walking to my destination. I walked in the dorm and entered Kirby's room. I sighed in relief that he's still asleep in his nap. I started to walk to the bed but instead of being careful I tripped on my own feet and fell flat on my face.

Which made Kirby awake from his nap and boy he's not too happy about that..which in some case is odd. He's never grumpy or ever wanting sleep which includes that..oh stars he must of accidentally sucked up a humanoid enemy. I do remember Kirby doing that.


I was looking around trying to find Kirby but something caught my eye. I saw a humanoid thing ,which I bother never learning that things name because I'm lazy and I don't like them, being sucked up and I knew that it was Kirby. It was the evil lord plan to make Kirby suck it up, which in case to make it a short story, master no likey Kirby, but it does involve some side affects.

Which obviously I never bothered remembering it. I was in my own thoughts until I felt a really sharp pain on my body. I yelped in pain. I turned around and see Mario ,who fireballed me on my back, is in a battle stance and glared at me which caused me to run away not looking where I'm going and stopped for a breather.

"(That was close.)" I said panting. Then I felt a light tap on my back and..you know that's how I met Kirby again face to face.

Back to Present..

But anyways he does love to take naps but not really long ones--and I'm getting ahead of myself  again. I facepalmed my face really hard which I didn't know Kirby was looking at me. "(Mirror did you aroused me from my nap?)" Kirby said narrowing his eyes at me. "(No of course not.)" I said looking at him a little bit nervous. "(Mmm. Ok. I'll go back to--)" "(No don't go back to sleep!!)" I said really loud which made me regret saying that. "(What do you mean??)" Kirby blinked in confusion. "(Well because you are...sick.)" "(Sick?? But I'm perfectly fine. )" He yawned in exhaustion. "(Well if you stay awake for two whole days..I'll give you Maximum Tomato.)" Kirby eyes light up. "(Hm ok.. deal.)"

I sighed in relief but then silently chocked on air. "(Uhm..Kirby?)"

"(Yeah?)" I gulped and looked at him. "(You have a battle with Link tomorrow.)" "(Ok--wait what!?!??)" Kirby said in surprise. "(Uh.)" "(Whhhhyyyy me? I know I'm his pal but why??)" "(Kirby..)" "(He knows that I hate battles.)" "(Kirby.)" "(I'd rather fight Dynablade than Link.)" "(Kaabii.)" Kirby winced when I said that name he looked at me giving his full attention on me. "(Kirby I know you hate battles but you kinda become a little too rusty on combat. I think this is why Link wants to battle you.)" Kirby looked at the ground. "(I guess you are right about that.)"

"(Of course I am! )"I laughed while Kirby rolled his eyes.  "(Yeah.. Well I should head outside, I haven't rode on my warpstar for a while.)"


I watched Kirby walk out of the room closing the door behind him. Cheesecake that was close..

☆Kirby's POV☆

I stood outside at the grassy fields whilst the sun is still shining with warm breezes in the air. It sounded like a perfect evening but it's not really, every step I take it's like energy is taken away from me but I still have to beat that bet to get the delicious Maximum Tomato!

I whisted for my warpstar and waited it to come while I was waiting I was watching the beautiful butterfly gracefully flutter around the grass until my warpstar came. I hopped on my warpstar and sat on it.

I patted it gently and the warpstar started floating upwards and flew around the sky swiftly and gentle. I laid down and reached out to touch the cloud then all of a sudden the warpstar stopped. I was confused by this...I looked at it. "(What's wrong with the warpstar?? This never happens.)"

I stood on the warpstar in a fighting position holding my ground so I don't fall off. The warpstar flew straight up then flew really fast up to sky. I hold my stance then closed my eyes..this is going to be really tough training..

Several minutes later..

I twirled around in dizziness and fell to the ground. "(Why you do this to me warpstar??)" All I can see right now is blurry colours and three warpstar's. I tried to get up but fall down because I was too unstable to walk right now..

I fell someone picking me up but I fell down to the ground.."Kirby are you alright?" "Poyoo..(Define alright.)"

"I don't think he is but we should hurry it's night time and we should hurry to our dorms."

"Ok how about I use my WindWaker to get to the building and--"


"Yeah it's a conductor stick but magical."


¤ Toon Link's POV ¤

I held up my WindWaker and inhaled some air then exhaled.  I conducted the Ballad of Gales. "Takes us to Super Smash Academy." I whispered lowly. Then a tornado came out of nowhere and took us up ti the sky and the next thing I knew I was at the entrance, I looked at Pit who had a horrified expression on his face saying 'never-do-that-again'.

I smirked at him and grabbed Kirby and ran in the building with Pit behind me running to our dorm making noises which annoyed some people who were sleeping. I burst into the dorm panting, trying to catch my breath, I placed Kirby in his room..did I see two Kirby's? Nah..my eyes are playing tricks again.

I went to my room and flopped on my bed, in total exhaustion, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Wow that was long I think..but anyways.

Fan, favourite or comment!

I'll have to correct some spelling and gramnar later.

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