The Very Rude Awakening Part 1

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The silence woke me. I look around my room and, as I start to wake up, feel stares.
"You come here often?" The first voice says, coming from my bathroom, right outside my bedroom door. It was a soft, light, feminine voice. Although it was hard to hear, it sounded familiar.
"Wow. Okay. A: That is the worst pickup line ever. B: She lives here, dummy!" The second voice judged. It's deeper, but also familiar.
"Well it was only plan A." Says the first voice, not noticing I was awake. In fact, I'm the only one who knew I was awake. And I shouldn't be! It's three in the morning for crying out loud! And who was in my house?
"Wh-what's p-plan B?" I stutter out, terrified.
"To capture you." Comes a third whisper, this one in the bed next to me.

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