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My best friend next to me. Dieing. No. Dead. Why? I have to run. Go somewhere. Do something. So I run. I run out the hidden door and run some more. I don't know where I am after five minutes. I hide behind a tower of boxes and cry. I cry and cry and cry.

I have a thousand weeks of tears that I pushed back. They all hit the cold, basement floor. Tears about how I haven't talked to my mom in five months. Tears about how I pushed away everyone. About how I lost my best friend. About how he was shot. About how I thought one of my friends would one day rule the world and is now in a room, staring at the lifeless body of one our best friends. About how the most importaint person in my life was in that room not knowing what to do. Tears about me. Tears about my birth parents that gave me up. About everything.

After a few minutes, I fell a hand go around my shoulders and another one rub my head. Lilian. She found me. She found me and is comforting me. Just like when I would cry as a teenager. She would always find me, hiding away in my room, crying about my birth parents, and she would hold me. She would tell me that it was for the better. That now I can be here, with her, living the life I am today. Then she would kiss me on the head and turn on our favorite movie, all of this without letting me go.

"It's gonna be okay, Love. You can get through this. I'll be here with you. Don't worry." More foot steps.

"Ash! Lil! Guys! Guys. Oh my gosh. Guys. What just happened? What ju-Oh my gosh!" Alice's frantic. She's silently crying, but yellng quite a lot. She joins the hug and starts to cry louder. More foot steps.
"The deed is done. I had my bodyguards out the needed body in your car. You're now dismissed." He starts to walk away. I can't let this happen.
"Why?" I jump up out of the hug, grab his sleeve, stopping him in his tracks. I don't care the toughest person I know is scared of this guy. I don't care that he's over a foot taller than me. I don't care that I'm wearing frog footie pjs. The only than I care about is knowing why this guy thought it was acceptable to kill one of the closest people to me.
"Excuse me?"
"Ash, stop." Alice. I ignore her.
"Why did he have to die?"
"All will be revealed in time." This dude talks in fricken riddles. I swear. What does that mean?

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