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Once we get to the basement, we go on a small adventure. Left, right, right, left, right, and boom! You've got yourself into the smallest room you've ever seen. You know how in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, there's a small door with a huge room? Yeah well, this was not like that. It was a big door for a small room. You know when you have a doll house but the doll's to big for the house? It was like that in real life. With a two-seating love-seat pushed into the middle of one of the walls.

"Alice! Move your butt! I can't move!" Lil tries to cram onto the seat that the rest of us are sitting at, but to no avail.

"You think I can?!" Alice snaps back. Before we can countinue to argue, a large man walks into the room through a hidden door in the wall oppsite to the one we walked through.

"Good evening." I'm guessing he's The Boss. He's tall. Like, REALLY tall. And chubby. Not fat, just chubby. He's wearing a white tux with a black undershirt, and pink top hat, and silver shoes. Not evening kidding. The dude's a wreck.

"Good evening sir." Alices voice shakes and she looks scared, an emotion that Alice doesn't usally show. If he can scare Alice, you KNOW he must be bad.

"So here's the thing," The Boss compleatly ignores Alice. He's pacing back and forth and looks stressed. "One of you have to die." What? Yep. That's right. It was silent for a while until-

"What?" East. He spoke. He spoke and said what was going through my head. He spoke and ruined his life. He spoke and en-


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