Kidnappers/Best Friends

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When I wake up, I'm in the back of a van with my head in Alice's lap and My Chemical Romance blaring through out the radio. She seems to be crying, but she never crys. Well, at least not in frount of people. I had only seen her cry one time in all the years I've known her, and that was when her mother passed. If I was that special to her, why did she leave me?

"Oh thank goodness you're awake! I don't know what I'd do without you!" She notices I've woken up. I have a sick feeling that last part was a lie. Besides our Skype sesions once a week, we hadn't seen eachother in seven years. "East, pull over. I'm driving."

Alice seems different. She's rocking a red pixie cut and her black converse, along with a black, white and pink knee-length dress, but she's not acting the same as when she left. She used to be happy and joyful, but lately, ever since last year, she's been really sad. I haven't seen a real smile on her face in forever. It kills me to see her like this, but I was the same after she left.

As we pull to a stop, Easton gets out of the front seat and sits by me in the back. He looks relieved when I say I'm okay, but I can see past his act. From what part of his blue eyes that aren't covered by his black fringe, I could see that he's sad. In pain. I understand how he feels. Well, at least I think I do. The outfit he's wearing is nearly the same as when he left. Black convers with blue linnin on the bottom, oversized and fadded blue jeans, dark blue tee-shirt with "How about pizza?" written in white. Just like when he left.

Unlike East, Lil, who's sitting in the frount seat and running the aux cord, changed in so many ways. She now had long, blue hair, but left with a blond-to-black style that ended right above her shoulders. She's also wearing silver, sparkly heels that she wouldn't have been caught dead in prior to her move. Along with the new shoes and hair, she was wearing a black mini-skirt and cropped top and her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail.

I only wish I could have seen her more than just on a computer screen. We've been best friends for as long as I could remeber. We grew up together.

Why did Lilly have to leave? Why did Alice have to leave? Why did East have to leave? Why did anyone have to leave? Why?

"You okay?" East pulls me back into the real world with his question. He must have noticed the tears forming in my eyes from my pounding head, blurring my vision. Or that I was lost in thought. Or maybe he's just making sure I didn't get beat up to bad when I was dropped down a flight of stairs. Either way, the only words I can manage to squeeze out of my lips are pain soaked and weak.

"My head hurts." I mutter, looking at the van floor, trying to remember what happened before the whole incident went down. I look slightly to my left and see Easton pull a thing of ibuprofen out of his backpack.
"Did you just have that in your backpack?" Alice asks, looking at our reflections in the rear-view mirror.
"Lil is clumsy." He replies.
"Not true!" Lillian yells, snapping out of her music trance and talking for the first time since I woke up. "Oh, when did you wake up, Ash?"
"About five minutes ago." I'm a little off put that she didn't notice, but Lil has always been in love with music, so I guess I can't be to surprised.
"Oh. Sorry. I guess I was off in my own world."
"It's okay."
"Sooo... Do you want the ibuprofen or no?" East cut in.
"Yeah." I take the painkillers out of his hand and start searching for a drink. And as luck would have it, East pulls a water bottle out of his backpack as well. I look at him with confusion, wonder, and joy on my face. I mean, what else does this kid have in his backpack? A kitten? A cow? The moon? Who knows. Anyways, I take the pills and start to ask questions to my kidnappers/best friends. Wow. That is a strange sentence.

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