The Very Rude Awakening Part 2

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"AHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream, swatting whatever - whoever - is next to me in me bed with my pink throw pillow. As this is happening, the voice is yelling at me to stop in between their owes while the other two voices start laughing and expose their hidding places as well as their faces.

Easton bursts out laughing and wobbles out of my closet. We've been friends since the fifth grade, but he moved away when we graduated high school. It was the first move of many. We would keep in touch via skype with Lily and Alice, but last I heard he was in New York City.

Alice is second to give away her identity. We have been friends since kindergarten, but she moved a few years ago to travel the world. I thought she was in Africa, where she was teaching kids to draw and continuing her artist dreams.

And, last but certainly not least, we have Lilian. She crawls away from my pillow attack and turned the lights on, showing her face. Well, kinda. Her blue hair covers most of it since I knocked it out of her ponytail with my pillow. She hadn't moved that much, but she did move once, to L.A. I've only seen her on Skype since.

"What the heck are you guys doing here?" I ask, not really ready for the answer.
"Geeze. This place is a mess. You could have at least cleaned the restroom." Easton judges.
"Well maybe if I'd known I'd have guests at 3:00 in the morning I would have!" I retort. "Now, why are you guys in my house?"
"Well, it's a long story," Alice starts. "You see,-"
"No it's not. We're going on a secret mission. I've already packed your bags. Get in the van." Lilian jumps on my bed and cuts Alice off.
"What? No! I have work in two hours." I say, trying to get Lil to get off my bed, or at least stop jumping.
"Yep. Let's go." East picks me up off my bed and hangs me over his shoulder.
"Put me down!" I demand, knowing that there's no way a 6'1" former quarterback would obey a 5'1" girl in frog footie pjs.
"Not until we get to the van."
"Fine. Just don't drop me!" We start to go down the stairs and I give up.
"I would nevvv-" And at that moment, East slips and drops me. Down the stairs. Making me pass out. Yep. Let's let that sink in for a moment. All good? Okay. Let's get back to the story.

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