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Anger and sadness burns inside of me. I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. I run yet again. This time to where I thought the room was. What was it? Left, left, right? No. Left, left, left, right, left? Not that either. I must have tried 20 times before I reach a dead end. Now what? I call East. Just to hear his voice again.
"Hey! This is Easton. I can't answer right now, but if ya want, leave a message and I'll try to call you back. Bye!" I cry yet again, alerting the others to my hiding place.
"Come on, Kiddo. Let's go." Alice helps me up and Lil takes my other hand. They lead me to the elevator and up onto the first floor. I regain my strength and run the van, hoping I will never have to go back to this terrible house. Any ground where the blood of a friend is spilled, is bad ground.

We sit in silence for most of the car ride. Finally, I get the courage to kill the monster that we call quietness.
"It feels like he's still here." I mutter. Looking to my right, I can nearly see him. Before today, I hadn't seen him face-to-face in years. Why was this bothering me so much? Why did he have to die? Why?

I guess that's the question of the day. Why? Why did my best friends sneak into my house at 3 AM? Why did they kidnap me? Why did the change so much over the years? Why did East have to die? Why?
As my thoughts surround me, I hear his voice.
"Guess who came back!" No. How?
"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" Alice and Lil scream, but I'm in to much shock to make a single noise.
"How?" I finally manage to whisper.
"I found a why to keep your promise." He smirks. Well, his ghost does.

The promise. I forgot about the promise. When we were little, I made him promise that we wouldn't die without me. I know it sounds weird, but this was when my moms fricken terrible boyfriend was living with us, and East was one of the only people that could calm me down durning that.

"Hey, how about we get a hotel room and order some pizza. I'm starving!" How can a ghost get hungry?
"Yeah okay. Sounds like a plan." I pull out my phone, shaking, and trying not to sound to scared. "Yes hello. I was wondering if you had any open rooms. For today. You do? Thank you! I got a room booked."
"Sweet!" Lil responds, surprisingly calm, as Alice tries to drive without screaming in fear because of the ghost in her back seat. Understandable. I mean, it's a ghost. Of our best friend. That was alive less than 20 minutes ago. And driving this very van this morning.
"What hotel did you get?" asks the colorless, bodiless figure next to me. 
"Hilton Inn. Right around the corner I think.
"Oh! Can we get candy from the gas station across the street?" Lil asks, her eyes shinning bright and smiling ear to ear, something I havn't seen in a while. I miss it. She used t- rrriiinnnggg rrriiinnnggg rrriiinnnggg! My phone. My boss. Oh no.
"Ashlyn. Why are you not a work today?" She never gets my name right. I don't know what to say. If I tell her the truth, she'll think I'm lying and fire me. If I lie, she'll be able to tell and fire me. Or worse. She's six-five, an deadlift 1000 pounds, and can knock-out anyone who comes in contact with. 
"I quit." I hang up. Why did I just do that? What came over me? Why do I feel so relaxed now that I just ruined my life? Holly crap! What is wrong with me? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

I worked for Apple. I was the CEO. Yeah. 
"What just happened?" the ghost of my friend asks, probaly worried about my sanity. "Di-did you just quit?"
"Um, yeah, I think I did." I stare straight ahead.
"I don't really know."
"Hey at least now you can work with us full time!" Alice chirps in, being her up-beat self again. I havent seen her like this in years. Ever since her mom, well, yeah. Anyways, after that, she's always been sad. She'll hide it as best as she could, but it was there. Yet, this time, her smile didn't seem fake. Maybe I could work with them? 

No. I can't work with The Boss, aka the man who killed one of my best friends and wont even tell me why. 

Luckily, we get to the hotel before I have a mental breakdown in the car over what my live had became in just a few hours.

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