The Boss

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"So where are we going?" I ask, wondering what was so important that I have to miss work.
"To see The Boss." Alice replies, an emotionless look on her face.
"And why, exactly, are we going to see this 'boss?'"
"To get armor." Lil's turn to be emotionless.
"Okay. Why do we need amor?"
"To find and capture a little girl." East says, repacking his backpack.
"WE'RE DOING WHAT?!" I yell, making Alice swerve and nearly kill us all.
"We need to know what she's planning. All we know is her dad wants to take over the world." Lil acts like it's nothing. Yeah. Sure. I would have said that, but I know how sensitive Lil is.
"Okay then... Well, how old is this girl we're kidnapping?"
"We have a no abduction policy. And five."
"Oh of course. But a friend doesn't count." I mutter.
"Um, your twenty-five, so it's not kidnapping. And it wasn't fully against your will so it's not full abduction." East snaps, in a matter-of-fact tone.
"You sneaked into my house and grabbed me out of my bed."
"She ain't wrong!" Lil chips in, obviously happy that the gang is back together.
"Okay so we broke the rule once!" East gives up, annoyed, and Alice fills the car with her laughter.
"Anyways, if the girl is five then why don't we just go get her right now? Why do we need armor?" I am so confused.
"She may be five, but she knows how to remove the heart from the human body." Lil says.
"Well, that's...twisted of her." I respond.
"I think it wrongs in the family." East jokes, making me laugh. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the sun start to rise and shift my gaze to the beautiful sky. After a while, I started to doze off.

"We're here." Alice says as she opens the door and gently shakes me until I'm fully awake.
"Yeah?" I ask, the world still fuzzy from sleep.
"Get out of the car, Sleepy." She tells me. As I get out, the world becomes clearer and I can see the house- no, mansion- that belongs to The Boss. The entire house is rose gold and gold. It's at least 5 stories tall with 100 windows on each. As we get closer, two bodyguards stand in front of the door. To be honest, they're quiet scary, so I stand closer to Lil, who always makes me feel safe. I don't know why. Maybe it's because of the fact that she has the ability to scare off most people with a single glance. I don't know how she does it, but it's pretty useful.
"Agent Alice Sullivan." Alice takes out a badge and shows it to the bodyguards. Next is East.
"Agent Easton Stevenson."
"Agent Lilian Wells and guest." Guest. Yeah, I don't have a cool badge or anything like that. Anyways, I follow Alice inside the house and onto an elevator. Dang, this house is big. Like, really big. Like big enough to have an elevator and people, such as myself, are thankful that they don't have to walk up 20 flights of stairs. The elevator had six buttons: first floor, second floor, third, forth, fifth, and basement. Oh joy.

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