New Friends and Newbies

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Chapter 4-New Friends and Newbies
(Raelana's POV)
I woke up to someone shaking me I looked up to see all the guys and Bart shaking me. "Hey Rae, I wanted to talk to all the guys and you so sorry that I woke you" I got up and yawned "it's ok" he smiled and returned all his attention to everyone. "Ok so today, Rae isn't the only new one to magcon I have called up a bunch of others, who are around Rae's age, and some of them are boys" he winked at me, and I blushed. "And 2 others are girls" Rae you will be dancing today's show and meet and greet and that's it no further activities so you can see what the boys do and get used to it. We will meet all of them in the lobby, so get dresses and let's go" he said and started walking to the door, "and Rae look nice, Jacob is coming" (Sartorious) and he walked out all the boys looked at me and all of them looked mad. "Uh, I'm gonna go get dressed" I smiled at the boors and skipped out to the bathroom. I stripped down and ran the hot water and got in, washed my hair and my body and got out and dried off. Shit I forgot my clothes again. I wrapped a towel around me and walked out to see Matt gray and cam. They looked at me and looked back down again, oh well. I got a cute outfit and walked back into the bathroom and changed ⬇️

 I got a cute outfit and walked back into the bathroom and changed ⬇️

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After I changed I did my hair and makeup ⬆️. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone and headed out the door I could see Grayson and Matt looking at me from the corner of my eye. I walked to the elevator and pushed the buttons and it dinged and the doors closed after about 30 seconds it dinged again and the door opened to the lobby. I walked and saw Bart with some other people I couldn't see there faces cause they were turned around. I walked up and gave Bart a side hug, "hey Rae" he smiled. "Hey" I smiled. "Rae meet, the new members to magcon and well yourself." I laughed, I really was as new as them. A very familiar girl came up to me, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, she was a very pretty girl. "Hey I'm Loren" she smiled, yes I know her, the girl off of musical.y. "Hey, I'm-" she cut me off. "Raelana, like the best dancer ever" she smiled, I think her and I are gonna be great friends. "And your Loren, like the best muser ever" I winked and she smiled. "Wanna take a pic for snap and gram" she asked. "Sure" I said pulling out my phone. She pulled out hers and she had snapchat open we took a pic I had my arm over her shoulder and she was looking at me smiling while I was smiling at the camera. Then she snapped it and captioned it, 'New Bestie 👸🏻👸🏼' I smiled and opened snapchat I pulled out my phone and asked one of the boys to take a picture," hey can u take a pic of me and Loren" I asked he turned around and smiled, "of course" he took my phone and Loren wrapped her arm around my waist and I wrapped mine around hers and she put up a peace sign and put my hand on my hip. We both smiled, and he took the picture. I grabbed the phone, "thanks, and I didn't catch your name" I smiled. "Oh yeah my name is Jacob, and anytime, I like doing favors for pretty girls" he winked which made me blush I looked at the pic and I loved it.mI captioned it, 'With Da Bestie 😘', "hey Loren what's your snap" I asked, she took my phone and typed stuff and gave it back to me. "Thanks and mine is R-" but I was cut off, "I know your snap" she giggled a little and I did too.
It was about 15 minutes later and I knew everyone, Ariel was nice and we were friends but Lorens my best friend, even though Ariel is my good friend. "Hey Rae, wanna make a" hunter asked, "of course" he then propped his phone on the lobby couch. "Whats the song" I asked, he blushed, "boyfriend" I laughed, I love JB. It started.
  We both stood up and started lip syncing,
I'd like to be anything you want hey girl let me talk to you,if I was your boyfriend I'll never let you go keep you on my arm girl you never be alone.
I sat down in the chair and decided I would do a
(Grayson's POV)
All the rest of the guys and me walked down only to be greeted by a whole bunch of 14 year olds (including Rae). Rae seems to be hitting it off with a lot of the boys and one girl and the other girl who has redish hair is talking to them but she's more intrested in doing a video thing and she's not even talking, and she's lip syncing what's that app called again, Something musical.ler, or something. Rae seems to fit in fine with everyone there it's almost like she dissed me and the others, I noticed that everyone was looking at Rae. Gosh she was beautiful. And the way she laughed with those boys, it made me sick that she won't laugh like that with me anymore. Bart walks over to us, "isn't this great" he smiled looking around at all the newbies, oh yes this is great (note the sarcasm). "Well, Bart it's different" Cameron said. "Hey everyone come here" Bart shouted, everyone started coming over. "Ok so Older Magcon do you know who these people are" Bart asked facing us guys. "Well we know who Rae and Jacob is" Cameron spoke up, I don't know no Jacob. "Who's Jacob" I asked the kid who was next to Rae stepped forward, "me" he smiled and stepped back with Rae and wrapped his arm around her waist, oh hell no. Matt went over and grabbed Rae and whispered somethings in her ear that made her nod and she stood with us the rest of the time but that Jacob kid and the other boys were staring at her the whole time. I mean there's other pretty girls here to stare at them, just don't stare at my Rae. Rae was looking at the blonde haired girl and they were making faces at each other. "Ok guys we should start going to the place where it's held" Bart said. We all nodded and followed Bart as he walked to some place in the hotel. "Rae practice your dance, I'll get the guy to play the music" Bart said while walking over to some dude. Rae got on the stage and everyone else just sat in the crowd and Loren had hers and Rae's phone videoing and so did that Jacob kid and an other kid and an other one and an oth- ok you get the point they all had there phones out videoing. Taylor raised his phone and mocked the newbies, we all laughed except for Matt who raised his phone and was seriously videoing. The music started.

Well damn I should of videoed. She walked off,stage towards Bart and Jacob winked at her and she smiled at him and walked back onto stage and went back stage and brought out a boy. This time all of us were videoing. I don't like that Jacob kid. Then the music started.

At the end everyone clapped and the boy kissed her cheek. Wtf is all I have to say. He walked out and she walked down towards us well towards us and Jacob. Should I tell her how I feel, or is she into that kid.
---after the show to meet and greets---
I had a packed line and to my luck there were a lot of boys but only in my line.
The first boy came up to me. "Hey what's your name" I smiled at him and wrapped my arm around him, he looked about 14, he was ok looking. "Hello, my name is Case, can you sign this" he asked and held out his phone, sure I smiled and the security guard for my line sense it was so hectic have me a sharpie. I signed it and we took a picture after that I hugged him and kissed his cheek and he left.
(Jacob's POV)
I saw Rae with her fans, and it just made me like her more and more. But I see the way Grayson looks at her, I see the way Matthew looks at her, I see the way Cameron looks at her, I see the way Taylor looks at her, I see the way Shawn looks at her. For crying out loud the whole magcon including the girls look at her, well the girls don't look at her the way, The guys do but. She so freaken unique. I really want her but if 17 year olds want her then shit, I better back down now.
(Grayson's POV)
We finally got done with the meet and greet and Rae was walking over to me. "Hey" she smiled, I smiled back at her "hey baby" wait, did I just call her baby. I looked at her and she was blushing. I smiled knowing I made her blush. "So I was wondering if You would like to join me and Matt, we are going to go to Starbucks."
She is so damn cute. "Yeah, of course" I smiled, she smiled back and wrapped her arm around me and I wrapped mine around her shoulders sense she had her arm around my torso. We were walking out of the place to the lobby, until Jacob came up to Rae. "Hey Rae, mind if we talk real fast" he then turned to me, "sorry it will take 5 minutes" he told me, I just nodded my head even though I was pissed, What does this kid want now?
Hello everyone who reads this let me know what you think in the comment section ❤️ and I'll be throwing out the info to the tour I'm going on once my manager gives me permission to. Thank you for reading this story and I promise it will get better 😘.... Stay savage😆

Check out his new song, it's my shitttt😂

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