That Blonde Graylana Shipper

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Chapter 5-That Blonde Graylana Shipper
(Raelana's POV)
Jacob took me to an empty hallway, and for some reason I could just feel the tension. "Rae, I'm so freaking sorry" he said looking down. "For what" I asked he looked up at me with his hazel eyes. "I'm just one more boy, that has feelings for you, but shoot, Every boy here likes you. But if you noticed there's three boys you like you more then others and maybe even love you, and I'm not those boys, I'll let you figure it out by yourself but, I like you a lot but, they the three boys like you more than anything" he said and walked away leaving me speechless. I couldn't believe it, he is so not selfish, He's just caring for me and who ever the three boys are. I need to find out who they are, I looked and saw Jacob looking at me from down the hall he smiled and turned, "hey what are y'all doing listening to mine and Rae's conversation" I heard Jacob say, I jogged over and saw Matt, Grayson, Cameron, Loren, Ariel, Ethan, and Grayson. Wait didn't I just say Grayson, what is wrong with me. "What are y'all doing here" I asked. "U,m well, we were-" Grayson said but got cut off by Loren, "we were ease dro-" but then she got cut off by ariels hand smacked her mouth, "we were just looking for you" Ariel said, nice cover up. But I don't buy it, however I just let it slide. "Hey y'all ready I asked gray and Matt, "yeah, oh and Cameron is joining us" matt said, "ok, cool" I smiled, "bye guys" I told the rest. "Hey guys do y'all really wanna go to Starbucks" I said, because I didn't want to. "Nah not really lets go watch a movie or something" Grayson said, "ok cool" Grayson went and picked me up bridal style and started running making me scream, "GRAY PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed trying to wiggle myself out of his grip, "Say Grayson is the sexiest boy I will ever meet and I wanna fuck him" wait what. Then he acted like he was gonna drop me, "AHH, OK GRAYSON IS THE SEXIEST BOY I WILL EVER MEET AND I WANNA" I paused, "say it" man this boy was really testing me. "Fuck him" I finished and he put me down and grabbed my hand. My phone then buzzed and it said, 'Loren gray tagged you in a picture' I opened it and saw a picture of me and Grayson on her Instagram, and Grayson was holding me and we were both looking at each other laughing, it was captioned 'these two need to just get together already like damn, they so cute😍', I loved the picture. I saved it to my phone and showed Grayson, he looked "aww, send it to me" he smiled, I smiled back at him and turned around and saw Loren smirking at me, then my snapchat notification went off I opened it and Loren sent me a chat, I looked at it and it was another picture of Grayson and I looking at each other smiling and we were holding hands it was captioned, 'IMA GRAYLANA SHIPPER ❤️' I laughed and Grayson did too, "hm, people ship us" I giggled. "Of course, what's not to ship" I said, he chuckled. By this time we were out of the hotel and we turned and just saw Matt and cam behind us I smiled and held my hand out for one of them to take and Matt took it while Cameron was gonna but Matt beat him to it Grayson kept on pulling me closer to him but then Matt would pull me closer it was going on till Cameron ripped me from both of them, "thought you needed some help" he smiled, I giggled, "yeah, a little bit" he laughed and the uber came to pick us up, we all got in. "So what are we watching" I asked, "um I don't know, how about wonder women" Grayson said. Dude I'm like a 9 year old boy in a 14 year old girls body, "YAS" I screamed the boys laughed and we decided on Wonder Women.
After the movie we all decided to go back to the hotel when we got back I saw the room was filled with everyone. "Yo we gonna play truth or dare wanna join" Blake asked. "Of course, just let me check something really fast" I said and went over to my laptop and saw I had an email I usually always check my laptop to see emails from choreographers giving me details on when to meet them and bla bla bla. But this email was different I opened it and read it,
To: Raelana Lane
Hello Raelana, I am Analise Carson, head of BLOCK one of the biggest dance brands there is, we are wondering if you would like to model with us, we have seen your dance videos and we are beyond impressed of your abilities and why not bring those abilities into magazines for BLOCK, Please come in 2 days at exactly 8:30 (if you are interested) don't worry about having nice clothes on or makeup or doing your hair, we will do all of that. You may bring whoever you want to keep you comfortable, the address is, (random address) . Thank You for taking this time and reading this email please call is if your are interested the number is, 6268901268, (Random Phone number) we hope to see you. Ps, we already spoke to your manager (Bart).
From: Analise Carson
My mouth was hung open, They want me to model. That thought just kept running through my mind. By the time I looked up at everyone they weren't where they were they were all crowded around my computer and me. They all looked at me. "Eeeeee, YOUR GONNA BE A MODEL RAE" Loren screamed while her and aerial squealed every one started talking at once asking what I was gonna say, "ok, OK! I'm just gonna email them back telling them I will come. Everyone got quite as I started typing.
To: Analise Carson
Hello this is Raelana, I would love to model for BLOCK, that is one of my favorite brands to get my dance stuff from. Thank you so much for the opportunity, See you in 2 days!
From: Raelana Lane
Just as I was bout to press send Loren stopped me, "it says to call them" she said, I looked, eh what's the harm. "It's alright" she smiled and everyone went to the floor and got in a circle, I joined sitting in between Aerial and Joey. We played a lot of rounds then I decided to go to sleep sense I had to wakeup early I went into the bathroom and took off my makeup, I put on a loose croptop and some sweatpants. I went into the room to see everyone passed out except for Grayson and Loren, I jumped on the bed with Grayson and he laughed a little and pulled me close and put the blankets over us, all of a sudden I heard a click I looked up at Loren and she took a picture I laughed and rolled my eyes Loren jumped in bed on my other side and Grayson decided to pull me on him to where I was straddling him but I didn't mind, it was comfortable.
I woke up to everyone shuffling and Loren waking me up. "WHAT" I yelled. "Rae u have your modeling gig today that email was sent 2 days ago!" She yelled I leaped off of Grayson and went and brushed my teeth and brushed out my hair I looked at my clock. 8:15!?!?!?!?. I hurried and changed into a nude sweatshirt and black Jean ripped shorts, "wait who's coming with me" I asked, "I WILL" yelled Loren, Ariel and Grayson. "Ok let's go, I already called an uber" Ariel said while running towards the door. "I love you Ariel" I smiled and Grayson and Loren and I ran behind her, I had to run back for my phone and I saw Grayson's laying there so I also grabbed his and the boys yelled 'bye' and 'good lucks' and 'bring out dat sexy self' yup I think that was Taylor. We ran until we were in the über I gave Grayson his phone, "Thank you so much Rae" he exclaimed and kissed my cheek, "no thank you for coming with me" I said and kissed his cheek, "why wouldn't I" he said and kissed my cheek again, "Got it" Ariel said me and gray looked at her and Loren Ariel was holding her phone up taking a video and Loren was smiling at her phone. "Seriously" I laughed, "seriously" Ariel and Loren said together. We al, laughed and took snaps and all that stuff until we got to a big building we pulled up Grayson opened the door for me and Loren and Ariel. We walked into the double doors and let me say the place was huge. "Hello, You must be Rae, I'm the photographer for Vogue teen, I am here to see you in action, we would love to have that beautiful face and body of yours to be on our cover of our magazine if you are interested, we'd love to be in business with you, we think you have what it takes to be the top model" the Man said that I had never met in my I entire life, but why wouldn't I take that chance, "I'd love too" "great see you in LA In a week, I'll notify your manager" he smiled and a lady came up to us and guided all of us to my dressing room. Wow, I can't believe this is actually happening.
Hello everyone who reads my story sorry I didn't update in about 3 days but I will try to update every day, click the star if you like this chapter, and
Who do you want her to opened up with, comment I'd love to know what u guys who read the story think ❤️ stay savage
Check out Selena Gomez's new song it's Dope 😝

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