Ex Boyfriend and Fake Boyfriend

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Chapter 10- Ex Boyfriend and Fake Boyfriend

We were still at the wedding reception, and I was having so much fun dancing with Grayson it's like old times. Loren soon joined us on the dance floor followed by Zendaya and Kiley and Tom. We were dancing and dancing and just having a fun time.
---end of reception---
My mom and Bart are going to the Bahamas, while all the teenagers stay at my moms house. Right now we were all in the limo driving to my moms. "Yay, we are here" Cameron yelled, him and Kiley have been getting a little closer they are pretty cute, however Kiley still hasn't officially ended things with tyga but that's how there relationship works. Off and on again. We all got out of the limo and walked to the front door and which Cameron had the key, "cam why do you have the key?" Matt asked, "Renee gave it to me to open the door duh" h said while shrugging his shoulders we all walked in and I rushed to my room, to get changed.

As I was shutting the door someone's shoe got in the way I looked up to meet the persons face and there stood Grayson with a smirk on his face.
"Aye, I'm getting dress what do you need?" I asked while opening the door fully. He just walked into my room and shut the door while locking it. "Raelana, I've been thinking a lot about you all today and I just need to find a way to get you back and kiss those sexy lips" he said, I was a little taken back. "Uh, Grayson I like you do, but we don't need to jump to conclusions and kiss each other." He looked at me and nodded, and laid on my bed. "Grayson I'm getting dressed dude" I told him he smiled and nodded, "I know" I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I tried to unzip my dress by myself but it was to hard to reach. I instantly started blushing when Grayson looked at me struggling. "Need some help" he asked, I wasn't sure if I should let him help me or get someone from down stairs to help me. "Uh" I answered and he got up and walked towards me. He gently ran his hands up my body leaving chills down my spine, "Grayson what are you doing" I asked, "shh" he whispered. He started to unzip my dress. "Thanks" I said while walking to my closet to take off the dress, "Rae" Grayson followed me. "Grayson what the heck" I asked. He looked down, "Rae, after today I realized that I'm still falling in love with you, I never stopped actually. I realized as the song pony came on you would let me touch you and kiss you and just love you. But now, I don't get it, I don't get why you had to leave your feelings for me I know we've only dated for like a day, but I had feelings for you before that and I'm sure you did too and you just pushed them to the side and acted like nothing happened between us. Rae give us another chance." He said he was looking straight into my eyes I didn't know how I felt, I didn't know what I wanted. "Grayson I don't k-"  "let me touch you" he said almost in a whisper, "let me touch you, let me prove to you that I'm worthy of your love" he repeated. I was very hesitant, something inside of me says to let him but another thing tells me to not. Grayson had a small smile on his face and started singing, "I just wanna wrap you up wanna kiss your lips I" he said sang, it was so funny but cute he walked towards me and ran his thumb across my bottom lip, "wanna make you feel wanted" he finished, I smiled up at him. "Touch me" I whispered and he smiled and placed his son ft plump lips on mine. The kiss was so passionate and I felt so much love when I kissed when he even touched me I felt so much love and passion. We pulled away and looked down at my body. I noticed I was still in my dress it was just unzipped and it was hanging loosely on my shoulders. He started kissing my shoulders trailer kissed up to my neck slightly sucking, I tilted my head to let him have more entrance and his hands were traveling all around my body. Then there was a knock on the door causing him to stop kissing me. I rolled my eyes as Grayson groaned. I walked to the door and opened it and Kendall stood right there, "um we are all watching movies down stairs so hurry up we are all waiting except for Grayson we don't know where he i- oh hi Grayson" she said looking be hind me to see him, she looked at me and her eyes trailed down my body to see the dress sloppily hanging on my shoulders her eyes trailed back up to my neck and her eyes widened, "ooo get some Grayson" she smirked and looked between me and Grayson, I looked down, "don't tell no one about this ok" I asked, "your secrets safe with me" she winked and started walking off, "hurry up you both we are waiting" she held right above the stair case to go up the third floor to the movie room. I closed the door and looked at Grayson he smiled and gently kissed me and kissed him back, "my suitcase is left in the room next to yours" he said while walking towards the door. I grabbed his hand and he turned around and faced me. "Bring it in here so you can sleep with me" I told him he smiled and kissed my cheek, "ok baby girl" he said and walked I smiled and walked to my closet and pulled off my dress and tied a robe on me and went to the bathroom and took off my makeup and brushed out my hair.
Once I was finished with that I went into my closet and got a Calvin Klein bra thong and shorts and socks and changed into it⬇️

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