Smooch Smooch ;)

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Attention everyone who reads this book, ok now that I got your attention I wanted to tell you that if anyone is lower then 16, they are 16 now in this book well except for Brandon he is 15 BUT EVERYONE ELSE WHO IS LOWER THAN 16 IS 16...EXCEPT FOR BRANDON. Enjoy the story 😊.

Chapter 6-Smooch Smooch ;)

We all got to my dressing room, everything was silver and black very modern it was nice. Grayson and Loren and aerial went to sit on the couch along with that vogue guy. "So Raelana, we are going to start with hair then makeup then clothes then photoshoot, ok?... Oh and I'm Kara, your assistant...for everything now... Your mother and Bart called me up" said a lady that looked late 20s or early 30s. But how did my mom find out about all this and how did she and Bart hire me a personal assistant, well I guess that's why we haven't seen Bart in like a day usually he's a round. "Ok thank you so much Kara, please call me Rae. Do you mind if I call my mom, really fast" I asked, she shook her head, "go ahead but the hair people are coming about right now" she said and turned too my 3 friends and that vogue dude damn I should really learn his name. "You must be her friends and her boyfriend" wait did she just say boyfr- my thoughts were cut off by her talking again "and I already know you, Chad" she said smiling at everyone well now I know his name. I went to my contacts and found my mom and called her,
"Hello" she answered after the 3 ring.
"Hey mom, how the hell did you get me an assistant and how the hell do you know Bart" I asked my mom. It was silent for a bit
"Mom, you there?" I asked
"Sweety, when you went off to magcon, Bart gave me his number so I know what's going on with you, well Bart and I started texting and he asked me out on a date when I come to visit you both! And well he heard about the modeling and stuff and he said we should get you an assistant, so we did!" Wait what he'll, Bart and my mom, huh?. By this time the hair people started coming in, so I had to hang up on my mom, "hey mom, I got to go, the hair people are coming in, ummm we'll talk later alright" I said. "Ok baby, Hit me back (just in case y'all don't know what that means it means call her back) when your done" she said, "k bye" I hung up. A guy and 2 girls they all looked about 40s and stuff, "ok baby girl have a seat" said the man who was very tall. "Ok" I smiled and sat down. Grayson walked over to me and smiled and took a picture of me, I giggled a little and he typed somethings in his phone, then I got a snapchat notification. I opened it and it was a picture of Grayson smiling, it captioned 'Hola baby girl, looking good over there' I giggled and looked in the mirror they were teasing my hair so it looked all puffy and retarded. I also checked his story, it was that picture he took of me, it was captioned 'happy to be supporting this beautiful girl, or should I say this beautiful model 😉' I looked up at him and noticed Ariel and Loren eating the snacks on the coffee table, those girls.
They were finally done with my hair and it looked really good. "Ta ta babe" said the dude. And the other lady's just waved and walked out finally the make up artists came in they were two guys, honestly a lot of men can do some killer make up ;). My make up was finally done. I took a look and instantly loved it. I looked fantastic. The make up guys left and I had like a 5 minute break before I put on the clothes. Chad left to go check out the set, so it was just me and my best friends. "Your totally gonna blind them with your beautifulness" Ariel winked at me. I giggled a little "thanks baby" I laughed for some reason me and Loren would call her baby bc her user on almost everything is babyariel. "Knock em dead bestie" Loren said while sitting on my lap. I laughed and wrapped my arms around her and she giggled, and no we aren't lesbians we are just best friends. Grayson laughed and took out his phone and took a picture of me and Loren laughing at each other while we were looking at each other. I pulled out my phone and saw he posted it to his story. It captioned, 'best friends who sit on each other stay together 😂 oml Loren" I laughed and screen shot it and I noticed Loren did too. She finally got off me to go get food, she's so funny but again I would do the same if I didn't have is expensive lipstick on. Grayson smiled and walked over to me and picked me up and sat in the chair and pulled me on his lap. I laughed and pulled out my phone to take a snap, I snapped a picture at a random time but it worked good, Grayson was looking at me smiling while I was giggling and looking down. I captioned it 'Cutie😊' I sent it to Grayson then posted it on my story. "Guys come get in this picture I yelled Ariel and Loren ran over with chocolate strawberries. "Put the damn strawberries down" I laughed they also joined me and put them down to where the camera couldn't see them I took a picture and uploaded it to Instagram and captioned, 'these amazing people are so supportive 😉' I tagged all three of them and instantly I was getting likes and comments I'm quite used to it by now though.
Finally a lady came in, "hello darlings, Raelana please follow me and you can bring your friends to help you put clothes on  if you want" I looked at them and Grayson was whispering something to them and Ariel and Loren had a smirk on there faces. Loren finally spoke up, "it's ok wouldn't want to intrude, I'm sure Grayson would help"  she smiled at me, I looked at Grayson and he was blushing and smiling at me, I smiled back and turned to Ariel, "nah, Grayson can help" she winked at me. I giggled, I don't know why though. "Very well then, let's go!" Grayson stood up and grabbed my hand and we followed that lady. I was blushing so hard I noticed Grayson was looking at me and bumped into a wall. "Ouch" he said while putting his free hand on his forehead, I looked at him and giggled a little at his stupidity. "You ok?" I asked he smiled and nodded his head we finally came to a room and the lady said the outfit is on a hanger in there, I thanked her and me and Grayson walked in there. "I have no idea why I need help dressing myself" I told Grayson, "so you won't ruin your makeup, hair, and these clothes" he shrugged, "makes sense" I laughed and he joined me. He grabbed my hips and Gently tugged the ins pulling me closer to him, I looked at him and saw he was smirking. He slid the top of reviling my sports bra, en he tugged on my shorts and slid those down also. I on the other hand couldn't move, I was shocked, but I was excited and I let him do whatever he wants, what it was sexy. He looked me up and down and wrapped his arms around my waist so I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands traveled lower and his hands were on my ass, he started rubbing my butt up and down, I let out a little giggle and he smiled. He pulled me closer if that is even possible, and he gently kissed my lips. Shit! My lipstick, eh I want this We started kissing and kissing and his hands slipped inside my under where he was gently pulling those off he slid them down to my ankles and I just kicked them off. His hands then traveled down to my bra he was gently sliding the Calvin Klein bra off of me.We pulled away and he looked at me, "would you go on a date with me" he asked I didn't even hesitate to answer, "of course" he smiled and then pecked my lips, "ok now let's get your sexy little ass ready, or should I say big ass" he licked his lips and lightly spanked my ass, I let out a giggle and he looked at the clothes and saw some under wears and bra that was see through he held it up and giggled a little. He then put the bra on me, "you know I can do it by myself, right?" He looked at me, "but what if I wanna do it" I giggled and nodded my head and pulled him close. He then slipped the under wear on me, then he put my shirt on and pants, and now I had to put on my shoes and I put those on by myself while I was putting on the left shoe he was tieing the right, he finished tieing the right and went on to the left. I grabbed his phone and took a picture of him tieing my shoes, I wanted to go on snapchat but I didn't know his password. I put his phone down and he sat on the chair next to me in the fitting room and he pulled me on his lap straddling him he gently rubbed my thighs while we started talking waiting for the people to come get us. "So you excited" he asked, "I'm a little nervous, but I need to work it sense that vogue dude is here" he laughed, gosh his laugh is so cute, "your so cute" he said and smiled I smiled back at him, "not as cute as your ass" wait did I really say that. "So you've been looking at my ass" I didn't answer I just blushed and looked down, he gently pulled my chin up with his two fingers and whispered, "it's ok, I've been looking at your ass too" I looked at him and he winked suddenly the door flew open reviling the dress lady. "Ready?" She asked looking at me and Grayson with a slight smirk. "Yup we are ready" I said getting off Grayson but he just stood up with me still wrapped around him. His hands went down under my butt. And while we, well he was walking out Ariel and Loren saw us and they both smirked and pulled out there phones taking a picture I just acted like I wasn't paying attention, Grayson out me down and went to sit at the back of the photoshoot room or whatever, Loren and Ariel joined him.
---after the photoshoot---
After the photoshoot was done I was looking at the pictures e guy gave me some pictures to take with me and to post, I was modeling for there hip hop wear.
Me and Grayson and Loren and Ariel and Kara and Chad were looking at the pictures in my dressing room they looked amazing ⬇️

The Dancer At MagconNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ