Chapter 1

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(From Wonder Woman's perspective )                                     I couldn't believe how just looking at Steve's picture brought back so many memories.  I was beginning to forget what he looked like. I still remember the pain of losing him on that plane. I'd never felt so much loss, that it seems impossible that I defeated Ares right after, but Steve wanted to save the world and I fought Ares for him. The war ended not that long after...
"What are you going to do now, Diana?" Asked Etta Candy
"The war is over and I thought winning the war would mean I could move on with life without Steve, but Etta I ... can't" Diana said while shaking her head.
"Diana, dear you are the strongest and bravest woman I know, you can do this if you choose to. Besides, it's not like you can bring someone back from the dead, can you?"she said jokingly, trying in vain to get me to smile.
"No, I can't, but I know of someone that can... I said grimly.
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