Chapter 9

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"Wise decision, but I would've enjoyed it so much more if you had said no."

Circe appeared out of thin air two feet away. She was wearing a green dress with a slit down both sides.Most strikingly, she had dark violet hair paired with dark eyes. Circe smiled and her mouth twisted as if it hadn't smiled in a long time. She touched her bracelet and it morphed into a vial filled with a glowing liquid.

"Drink this Princess and all who care about you will live."

I hesitantly took the vial and held it to my lips. I looked back at Steve, he didn't want me to do this, but he knew I would. I could see it in the slump of his shoulders. I closed my eyes and drank till the last drop.

When I opened my eyes,  Circe smiled so wickedly. Then, I felt this...this poison eat away at me. I cried out and fell onto the ground. I screamed and screamed. This has to be worse than the pits of Tartarus. Immense pain filled me all over. It felt as if my insides were being pulled apart. Over the pain, I could hear Circe laughing and Steve yelling at her and asking me what he could do. I don't know how long I screamed and writhed in agony. It felt like an eternity. Suddenly, it was over. I was alive, but when I looked at myself, there was a glow right where my heart would be.

"I'll take that. That's the least you deserve after what you did to my beloved."

Circe stretched out her hand and the glow in my chest was now gone and Circe held it. It looked like a golden ball of light. Suddenly, behind Circe I saw Steve slumped over, knocked out. Undoubtedly, he had tried to force Circe to help me and this was the result. I'm not sure I could help him, I felt so weak and  I knew that I didn't have an ounce of my godhood.

" I suppose a deal is a deal."

Circe waved her hand at my sisters and I saw them and mother become normal and start breathing. I knew as long as they were alive, I had made the right decision.

But was there a way to get out of this mess with my  lost godhood?
What did you think? How can Diana regain her godhood? Is it even possible? Again, vote and comment. You're automatically awesome for reading my story.☺

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