Chapter 5

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"I am Hades, God of the Underworld. I've been waiting for you."

Before me, Hades was clad all in black and was pale with a gaunt face. He had dark hair and there was a slight smile to his face.

"Hello, little niece. Do you have anything to say? I doubt you came to visit." I bowed and asked

"How do you know me?"

"I like to watch out for my brother's offspring, especially the ones called godkiller."

"I have no intention of killing anyone, but I have come to ask you for a favor."

"Ask it."

"Hades, please, I must know how Steve Trevor fares here and if I can bring him back with me." I held my breath, waiting for an answer.

"Little Diana, Steve Trevor is not here. He is alive." I gasped.

"... But how?"

" I don't interfere with the living, but you have proven you are worthy of the information you wish to know."

"I don't understand, how have I proven myself?"

"I ordered Charon to provoke you, but you helped him instead. I told Cerberus to attack you and then back down. You could've killed him, but you let him live.
You don't think I would give information for anyone that comes down here do you?"

"No, but please tell me about Steve." I could the undertone of desperation in my voice.

"He is alive, but that doesn't mean he isn't in danger. The sorcereress, Circe, captured him."

"Where is he?"

"You are lucky I like you. I will send you to him, but remember I did this for you." he said with a dark look in his eyes. He waved his hand and everything went dark.


I've lost track of time, I have been in this dark enclosed space for a long time. Food just appears out of thin air. I've searched and searched for a door or exit, but I haven't found one. I wish I died in that plane, maybe I did. Perhaps this place is my punishment.

A bright light suddenly filled the room. There stood a woman. No, an angel. My guardian angel.


Note: This Circe is a mix between the DC comics, Greek mythology, and what I need her to be to fit in this story. Don't forget to comment and vote. Until next time...

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