Chapter 11

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I had got what I wanted, a chance at fighting her, but could I beat her? I picked up the sword from the ground and faced Circe. No sooner than I had done so, Circe wildly swung at me with rage in her eyes. I blocked her sword. The clang of metal vibrated through me.  The force seemed to register within Circe as the rage faded from her eyes and a calmness took over. I sidestepped her and swung toward her side. Circe was able to block my sword, surprising me.

"Don't underestimate me, I'm very talented, little princess."

" Stop this. Ares didn't care for you, for anyone."

"Lies won't help you."

With that, she swung at my right side and simultaneously kicked my feet out from under me. I fell to the cold ground. Circe held the sword high, about to deliver a killing blow. I rolled away, but felt a sting in my arm. Pain seemed far away now, all that mattered was defeating Circe. I stood fast, Circe was only halfway turned toward me when I hit her in the shoulder. She stumbled and nearly fell. Circe made a gesture and my sword flew out of my hands. Circe laughed, maniacally.

"There are other ways to make you bleed, and why should I give you a fair fight?"

Circe pointed her sword at me, while her other hand whisped with magic.

" A fair fight means you have won with honor."

" You were not fair when you took Ares away from me."

Circe stepped back and her hair started to float and her eyes turned black. She chanted an unknown language. I blinked and there was two Circes. I blinked again and now I was surrounded by Circes. I dove for my sword, I was going to need it to fight off these magical duplicates. I looked for Steve, to make sure he was safe. I couldn't see him, but there was nothing I could do now. So, I started swinging at the nearest Circe, she disintegrated within two strokes. I continued until all Circes fell beneath my blade, but it had cost me. I was tiring and had cuts all over me. The duplicates weren't as good as the real Circe, but there was many of them. Only one Circe remained. She looked at me wildly and started chanting an encantation. But behind her... I started to chuckle softly. Steve, the ingenious planner, had stolen my godhood back. Circe had been too busy to notice that he was no longer unconscious. I charged Circe, distracting her, but whirled to the side at the last second. I pushed Steve behind me and grabbed the ball of light and held it to my chest. The light settled itself in my chest, glowed brightly then faded. It was uncomfortable at first, but soon I felt my strength and energy return.

"Thank you, Steve. I owe you one,  now two. Can you find my sisters?"

" I'll find them, but be careful Diana. I don't want to lose you again."

Steve turned and ran. Circe screamed in realization, but it turned to rage as she advanced on me...

Happy Thanksgiving! What did you think of the chapter? This has more action, which is hard for me to write. Anyways, please vote and comment.

Wondertrev: Alive Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang