Chapter 8

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What am I willing to pay? I knew in a heartbeat.

"What would be my payment?"

"Straight to the point, are you?"

"Tell me." My anger and impatience was showing through and that would'nt do well in a fight.

Circe sighed.
"I was looking forward to a witty hero, yet you aren't making this very fun. Fine, princess I am not asking much. Just your godhood."

That was the last thing I expected her to say. Is it even possibe?To turn me into a mortal? I knew my answer, it would be a small price to pay for my sister's lives. But..

"What happens if I refuse?"

"My spell will not kill them until the next hour is up. Then, even I couldn't save them and I won't lift it until you agree to my terms."

There was no way to tell if Circe
was lying. I couldn't even consider fighting her if I didn't know where she was. But, why would she do this?

"Circe, what have I done to you to earn your wrath? I've never even met you."

"No, you haven't met me, but I seek revenge for you have taken away all I care about."

Strange. What is she talking about?
I sighed.

"I give you my word. I will let you take my godhood in exchange for the safety of everyone here."

Hmm, that was a little short, but better than nothing, right?
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