Chapter 12

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Circe's fury had escalated even higher than before. She came right at me, swinging blindly, a foolish move. I deflected her sword easily. With my godhood returned, it only took a few seconds to back Circe into a corner. Quickly, I threw my lasso around her, hoping if she couldn't move her hands she couldn't do sorcery. Circe screamed and stepped back, falling on the ground. I gripped my sword in my hand above her.

"Don't hurt her!"

"Hurt who?" I asked Circe.

"My... my baby." Circe rested a hand on her stomach.

" Ares is the father. We were going to be a family, but you. You ruined it all." Bitterness and regret laced her voice.

The child was innocent of Circe's mistakes, but could I really blame Circe for all she did? Even I was willing to go to the Underworld for the man I loved. Would I have done the same in her position? I could never be sure.


I turned around and there was my mother, Steve, and my sisters.

"Mother... I've missed you."

Mother wrapped me in a hug and whispered in my ear " I've been so worried for you, but you know I can't let you stay."

"I understand."

"But I must ask a favor of you."

"I cannot grant everything you may ask."

"Circe is with child and the child is not to blame for her actions. Could you keep Circe here and care for the child?"

"I can grant this favor, but you must leave now. You know as well as I, that an Amazon who leaves must never return. I will miss you, but live your life, my daughter."

"Thank you mother. "

I hugged her a parting goodbye. I wish I could stay, but I've made my choice long ago. I could feel the trars welling up, but I blinked them away. I turn to look at Steve who had a cut on his forehead.

"Are you alright? You're bleeding."

"I feel great now that I'm here with you."

I smiled. I too, was happy that everyone was safe and here with me. I couldn't help myself and kissed him. I felt his arms wrap around me. This kiss was diffrent than the others. It was a kiss that held a promise for the future... one together.


I stared at my home as our ship drew further away. I was sad, but I couldn't help smiling with Steve by my side. I turned to Steve.

"What did you ask my mother before we left?" Steve's eyes dropped to the floor.

"I asked for her blessing."

"What blessing?"

"Her blessing for us to be together, which she gave.." Steve was so thoughtful.

"I believe we will be together for a long time." Steve gave a grin at that and pulled me in for a long kiss as the sun touched the ocean.

This is the end. I debated a sad epilogue, but the movie was sad enough. I hope you enjoyed it.

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