Samantha is too nice

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I must have fallen asleep because I can't recollect what happened yesterday after the kiss. I am sleeping in my own bed, not with Samantha. That's a pity. She bathed me properly and dressed me perfectly. She's really nice.

I really can't wait for today. I wonder what we are going to do. Hawaii's beaches are amazing, so of course we are going there. I remember Samantha telling me we were going to a hot spring tonight? That sounds quite interesting. I've never been in one before, and wonder if it's similar to being in a jacuzzi.

I get up and climb into Samantha's bed. She rolls over on me and asks:

"Did you sleep well sweetie?"

"Ya. Really well actually," I answer, "You?"

"I slept on the plane so I guess I'm fine,"

"We're going to the beach today, right?"

"Don't you want to go hike on volcanoes first?" Right, we have to do that first.

"But I wanna go on the beaaaaaaach!" I plead.

She laughs and shakes her head and gets off the bed. She tells me that once I've gone to see the volcanoes I'd never want to get off. Because they're so cool or something like that. Science nerd.

I'm guessing it's okay, because we'll exercise (walking is exercise, right?) and then in the afternoon we'll get to go relax on the beach. And at night we will both jump in a hot spring. Together.

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