Stay Strong

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What. Just. Happened.

I turn around to face Blake and Matthew, my whole body shaking. They look at me with sympathetic expression and they both hug me. I bury my face in their arms and scream.

"Why?!?" I pout. I start sobbing and nothing can stop me. I flop onto Samantha's bed, face first, and Blake sat next to me.

"We never even slept together, in the same bed, not even one night," I sobbed, but my voice was so muffled the words became a complete puree of noise.

"It's going to be alright," Matthew patted my leg, not understanding a single word I just said. Normally I would flinch from anyone, who's not Samantha, patting me, but now I'm too feeble from crying.

I continue pouring out my tears until Blake said:

"Let's go look for her,"

"Ya, the lady told the dude to keep her alive," Matthew added.

The tears stopped flowing. I lifted up my buried face and looked hopefully at Blake, then at Matthew, then at Blake again.

"Will... Will you guys help me?" I plead.

"Of course," Blake smiled at Matthew, who grabbed his hand.

"Thank you," I mutter with a little relief.

They let me get changed and wash my face. I regret crying in front of them. I must have seemed like a complete baby. They were so understanding though.

"Why would you want to help me? Isn't this dangerous?" I asked them once I got out of the bathroom.

"We haven't had much adventure in our life before," Blake confessed, "We wouldn't mind having a bit,"

"Plus you need some tough guys to back you up," Matthew joked as he flexed his pretty much non-existent biceps.

"Sorry love, I'm more toned than you," Blake muzzled into Matthew's neck. Matthew giggled as if he was being tickled.

"Lovebirds, can we focus on the task at hand please?" I roll my eyes at their cuddles and smiles, even if they were so cute.

"Sorry," Matthew looked up with apologetic eyes.

"I-It's fine," I quickly said, sitting down, "It's just that I'm stressed about my girlfriend,"

Blake looked at me oddly.

"Your... Girlfriend?" He said.

"Uh, I meant my friend," I quickly. Oops. I kind of outed myself.

"It's fine if she is, look at us," Matthew exclaimed as he grabbed Blake's shoulder. I blushed and looked down.

"It's... It's just that I'm still not used to it, like, the fact. Like Samantha, yes, but you know, the fact I'm..." I had a slight difficulty with words.

"Gay?" Blake finished the sentence for me.

"Bisexual," I nodded my head.



Things began to grow a bit awkward for no reason, and then I remembered that we had a life to save.

"Okay, so," I stood up, "What do we do?"

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