The Cliff

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We tried to follow the map's location but it kept bugging and we were constantly getting lost.

"Urgh! Why is this happening?" I screamed.

"It is quite frustrating," David agreed, pinching in and out on his phone.

We had gotten out of David's car after we stopped near our destination, and went out to venture on foot. It felt as if we were in a sort of movie, some super cool spies of some sort. It would be been, if it were not for the fact that people close to me were in grave danger. Matthew started worrying that people would come and harm us so he took his "weapons" and kept a good lookout behind all of us. He was posing at every instance, and it bothered me a little bit since he was taking this too lightheartedly.

Whatever, if he can be of any help, it's good to have him around.

I was the first one, leading our trio to our destination. David, right behind me, was taking this mission more seriously than Matthew.

It seemed like Samantha was on this mountain leading to a cliff. We kept on hiking until we heard some voices.

"This is it!" I whispered fiercely, "That's probably the murderers...!"

We crouched behind a couple of rocks and spied on their conversation.

I counted. There were the voices of Samantha, one woman, and a man. Were the woman and the man a couple? What had Samantha got to do with any of this?

"We will torture you until tell us the damned password to this stupid phone," the woman's voice ran.

"That's awful!" I hissed. David and Matthew both nodded in agreement.

"Should we go now?" David asked in panic.

"Let's just wait five more minutes to see what happens," Matthew said.

"Why don't we call the police?" I suggested.

"It'll take them too long to get here before we're dead," Matthew explained.

We peeked back up and saw Mrs. Silva burning Samantha's cheek with her cigarette butt. Samantha's face contorted in pain.

"Stop!" I shouted, standing up and bolting to them.

"Samantha!" I heard David call out for me.

"Screw it, let's follow her," Matthew said, running after me.

The woman, the man, and Samantha all turned to face us. The man stood too much on the edge of the cliff and fell off due to shock. The woman turned around to look at his falling body and swore.

I could read in Samantha eyes that she was glad that I was here. But also frightened.

"Beatrice..." Samantha whispered.

"Ah, so that's Beatrice," The woman studied me carefully. I felt naked and afraid. Samantha immediately regretted calling out my name, putting me somehow in danger.

The woman lifted up her gun in her right hand and pointed it at me. I froze and looked at Samantha, still wincing in pain. I tried to telepath "Goodbye," and looked at Mrs. Silva again.

"I'm Mrs. Silva," the woman introduced herself with a snarky grin, "If any one of you move," She smirked at us, "make one move, any of you, I will pull the trigger,"

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