A single gun can rule the world

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Mrs. Silva dropped the gun in shock and Matthew and David both grabbed her, managing to steady her.

I struggled to get up. There was so much pain. In my back, in my head, on my arms. I tried to ignore it all as I crawled to Samantha."No, no, no, no!" I cried, "Don't go, Samantha, don't go!"

"It's... I'll be fine," She whispered, wincing.

"Saying such lies at such a time...We have to cover up that wound," I looked behind Samantha and saw a long trail of blood, and a golden, blood covered bullet. Bloody hell. This means the bullet completely pierced through her body. She'll die of blood loss anytime soon.

I turned back to see if Mrs. Silva was still held back properly. Matthew and David seemed to have secured her pretty well, and Mrs. Silva stopped fighting back.

"What is all of this about? Why didn't you tell me about any of this?" I asked, a bit furiously, at Samantha, while taking off my shirt, ripping it into a long piece of fabric.

"I'm sorry..." She muttered as I tried to tie my makeshift bandages around her waist.

"It's okay, it's okay," I continued trying to tie her wounds. The blood continued to seep through the dark colored fabric.

"Read my stories, Beatrice," Samantha choked out, "You'll understand all... All of this... And the phone, it's in Mrs. Silva's coat,"

"O-o-okay..." I tried to steady myself, but tears couldn't help but escape out my eyes, rolling off my cheeks, splattering on Samantha's chest, "But why, oh, why didn't you tell me about this before? Why didn't you... Why didn't you trust me?"

"I'm really, really sorry," Samantha whispered, lifting her hand weakly to stroke my cheek, "I... I guess this is my punishment,"

I stopped checking her injuries and gave her one last kiss. One last kiss on her quivering, blood covered lips. Even then they felt soft and warm. Soon they were going to be cold and dead.

"Oh, and... the password," Samantha muttered very softly after our kiss, "it's... it's your birthday,"

I bit my lip and Samantha closed her eyes. I stroked my hand across her cheek.

"We never even slept together," I sighed, tears coming out.

I tried to focus on what we were to do. I tried to clear my mind for now and wonder what to do. I wiped away my tears and stood up. I'll think about Samantha later. Now, I have to get the phone and get rid of Mrs. Silva.

"Boys, suffocate Mrs. Silva," I said and picked up the gun. My voice was quavering, but I tried to keep a strong facade.

"And you, you cruel hearted, lust and greed filled monster, stay still," I lifted the gun and pointed it at Mrs. Silva. She froze and allowed herself being held by David and Matthew. Matthew covered up her mouth.

"David, check every pocket in her coat," I ordered, "Take everything out and pile them away from her."

David did so, and since now Mrs. Silva was under the pressure of my gun, or rather, her gun, Matthew alone was enough to steady her.

In her coat she carried a lot of makeup, some knives, and finally two phones came out. One was Samantha's and the other was Mrs. Silva's.

Still holding the gun at Mrs. Silva, I slowly went to retrieve both phones and slipped them into my purse. I approached Mrs. Silva.

"Matthew, let go of her mouth. David, help Matthew steady her," I commanded.

"I only want to know about your relations with Samantha, and why you kidnapped her," I said loudly to our hostage.

"If I do so, will you let me go?" Mrs. Silva asked.

"Certainly not," I replied angrily.

"Then, I refuse to comply," Mrs. Silva snarked defiantly.

"I am not afraid to kill anymore," I hissed at her.

"I no longer care anymore," Mrs. Silva said nonchalantly.

"Matthew and David, watch out!" I warned as they both jumped away from her. Anger took over me. I couldn't fight against this monster called hate, that was completely swelling up in me. I found no other choice.

And I pulled the trigger.

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