Letter to Writers #1

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This started off as only LGBT+ problems but its become more of an open forum for me to talk to people in the LGBT+, writers and readers community so I'm putting this letter here to any beginner writers as a little pep talk.


Hello fellow writers 

Especially beginners.

I have a little advice for writers. Keep going. 

"I'm not popular"

Keep going

"I don't have inspiration"

Keep going



I am an experienced writer I've been writing since middle school and I'm currently in my third year of college. You don't get perfect overnight. I would argue it takes a while to get good. I might be what you consider a "Good" writer. I have a long way to go though. I want to be published but I am not ready for that yet.

I come on here and write all the time though and I've improved immensely. If you go back and read my first work on Wattpad "The Night Gotham Stopped" Then go compare it to my most recent work "Renegade on the Loose" you will see an colossal difference. That was only two year difference. Part of that time I wasn't writing. I have improved every time I picked up a pencil or opened my laptop I have improved. And Little by Little I became the writer I am today.

The grind can be tough but it's worth it. Once you start you'll slowly become the writer you want to be and isn't that worth it? To become a great writer? To be the best you can be? Even without fame?

Well this has been one writer to any discouraged writers out there.

I know how discouraged I felt when I started and couldn't get good overnight so this is a letter to anyone who feels the same

Well Bai

Love you Guys Gals and Non Binary Pals

Gender and sexuality problems: The Gender ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now