Love from the twins

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Akiro's POV

"I love you"

We both looked at [Y/N] who was saying those three words. We both smiled happily. A few moments later the car stopped moving. We were at home now. I saw [Y/N] looking out the window amazed at what she was looking at. Our dad opened the door to let us out. "Come on [Y/N]. Let me show you to your room." [Y/N] got out of the car leaving me and Kairo inside the car as dad led her to her room.

I glared at dad, sending daggers at him for taking away our [Y/N]-chan. Kairo leaned towards me and whispered in my ear. "Ready for plan A, Akiro?" I looked at him a little confused but remembered it right away. "I'm ready."


My step dad led me to my room. As he was going to open the door, he looked at me. "This is going to be your room [Y/N]." I got myself really excited as he was turning the door knob. As he opened the door, I saw the walls were painted as [F/C]. The bed was HUGE and it was [S/F/C]. "Wow..." I said in amazement. I looked around, exploring the whole room. My eyes sparkling. "Well, I have to go now [Y/N]. See you when it's dinner time." He said as I was still dazed by what was in front of me.

Timeskip after dinner (because I'm lazy)

After dinner, I went to my room and flopped on my bed. As I was about to drift off to sleep I felt two hands hold hug me. I felt legs intertwine with mine and the grip on my waist getting tighter.

As I turned my head to the right, I saw Akiro and when I turned my head to the left, I then, saw Kairo. I was startled by their presence "H-huh? Um... Kairo? Akiro?" They move closer to meand kissed me on the cheek as I blushed. "[Y/N].... We wanna sleep with you today~" Akiko sid whining. I rolled my eyes as I heard them whine all about wanting to sleep with me.(that sounded a bit inappropriate) " Fine.... But-" I was cut by something that was under the bedsheets.

Something.... Fluffy? I screamed at the sudden thing that I was feeling. The twins reacted quickly as they heard me scream. "What's wrong [Y/N]?!" They both started to worry. "There's something under the bed sheets!" I screamed as I tried spouting out those words. The twins took off the sheets showing my legs which was covered and shown

I sat up looking at the cut dog. My eyes stared for a moment and I started speaking. "Awww..... It's so cute~" I said as the twins were sending daggers at the dog which I carried in my arms. "What's his name?" The twins showed a fake smile on their faces. "His name is [D/N]" (can't think of a dog's name)

"Hey there [D/N]~" I squealed quietly trying not to wake up anyone else in the house. I kissed [D/N]'s forehead making the twins' faces showing jealousy and anger which I noticed in the corner of my eye. I looked at them with no expression. The twins noticed me glaring at them with a blank face. They tried their hardest to force a smile on their faces. I hesitated for a moment and smiled at them. I remained calm for them and didn't ask any reasons to why they were like that.

I looked at the dog which were still  carried by my arms. He was sleeping peacefully as I was trying not to wake him up. I put him down on the floor gently and started to cover myself with the blanket. As I was preparing to go to drift off to sleep I heard whispers coming from the twins. I only heard one word though.....'kill' was the word. I was shocked for a moment and then went back to reality. I think I just misunderstood them. Maybe.....As I was going to close my eyes I felt the twins lay beside me but I just ignored them. Before I could got to sleep the twins said to me, "Good night [Y/N]~"

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