Chapter 7

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This is a very exciting chapter to make it up to u guys because I didnt update for so long. Hope u enjoy!

Mitsu's POV

As I was walking on the hallway I felt someone following me. I walked faster as I heared the footsteps getting louder. I turned to the right and found myslef face to face with Kairo and the person that was following me was Akiro. "Hi Mitsu!" Both of them sounded excited so I got into character as well but deep inside I know that they are yanderes that fell in love with [Y/N]. I pretended to feel considerate and calm.

"Because you're trying steal [Y/N] away from us," They started. "We MIGHT steal you away from her life so don't even think about breathing the same air as her ever again..... Okay?" I nodded my head slowly. I slowly opened my mouth "Sure.." Kairo laughed anonymously and spoke "Sure? You arent trying to trick are you? Because if I knew what you're planning, your dead meat to both of us."

As if. I'm not gonna let her out of my sight. I'll keep stealing her away from these twins, breathing the same air as her and they will never be able to make me leave her side. For now, Im going to go with the flow. Fooling theses twins should be easy as pie.

Firstly, I have to get [Y/N] to a safer place. Away from these twins.

Akiro's POV

He's lying.

I know he's lying.

"Okay then" Kairo says calmly. My brother doesnt seem to notice. I kept quiet waiting for one of them to make another move. Three of us dont say another word as Mitsu steadily but with a faster speed, walked out on us.

My brother walked beside me confidently muttering, "We'll kill him for sure. He'll end up dead in our hands and [Y/N] won't even know about it. I'll make sure of that." He suddenly looked up at me. I was stunned for a moment. "You good? Normally you'd have a LOT of thing to say right now but surprisingly, you don't." I just laughed it off.

'Im not feeling well', there's too many movies of people lying to others just to get away from a situation. He'll know I'm lying if I say that.

"Damn! I have a stain on my shirt and leg. I'll go wash up a bit. Message me if you found [Y/N] already." He smiled and said "Sure! See ya"

Ha! That was way too easy.

I went back to my room and started changing my clothes and taking a bath. Afterwards, I heard a ring on my phone. It was from Kairo. I answered the call. "Hey. I found [Y/N]. We'll wait for you on the rooftop." I agreed and put down my phone.

Suddenly, a flashback appears
Five years from today, on December 22, 2015, we were only ten years old, was the day we first killed a person. Me and my twin had blood on our hands which were holding kitchen knives.

This person we killed was our biological sister, Yuki, who was already 15 years old that time.

We loved her so very much. We were overly protective of her from the very start. We noticed she was always giggling out of nowhere and always trying to look good everytime we went to school. We found out she had a boyfriend. We didnt mind because she was already at the age where she could actually be in a relationship. We also liked her boyfriend. He was kind and sweet.

Until one time, we found out Yuki was pregnant.

We were all shocked. But before she knew she was pregnant, the boy already broke up with her because he thought they werent compatible with each other. We followed the boy and the boy put up a fight with us which triggered us. We held up our knives we stole from our kitchen.

We closed our eyes and stabbed, the person who we thought was her boyfriend, but was actually Yuki.

With her baby.

And she still loves him.

I went back to reality. I shook my head trying to shook of the past and move on. But no doubt, I still miss my sister... so much. That's how my twin became a Yandere. You might also be wondering "then how did you become a Yandere?"

Well I didnt. In the first place, I wasnt a Yandere and  Im not planning to become one.

Freely state ur opinions on this chapter in the comments. I'll gladly respond to any of ur questions!

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