Chapter 12

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I tried to catch up to Kairo as he sped out the door, with Akiro and Mitsu right behind me. Kairo started heading straight to the woods as I began to be tired and slow down. I was catching my breath as Akiro and Mitsu was already right beside me.

As they caught up to me, they slowed down their pace and checked on me. As we entered the woods, rain started to pour. Our feet started to run on muddy soil and grass.

We finally found Kairo who was seated in front of her sister's grave. We wanted him to have some alone time. We then noticed their was a strong wind that flew by. The strong wind blew Kairo, as he became weak, and he started to roll down the hill. I ran as fast as I could towards him.

As he hit his head on the tree, I let my body fall beside him as my shakey hands clutched on his arms shaking him and screaming his name to wake up. I didnt notice my tears falling. As I got tired and weak, I rest my head on his arm whilst tears were being absorbed on the cloth he wore. I closed my eyes as Mitsu and Akiro seated on both of my sides and comforted me.
Suddenly a small bright light appeared on Yuki's grave. I lifted my head up. The light grew bigger as we squinted our eyes.

As the light surrounded us, we all blacked out.

I woke up and adjusted my eyes. I was facing the ceiling, my body laying on the hard cold floor. I sit up and looked around. I realized the voices of children from outside of the room I was in.

This place is so familiar.

I stood up and slowly looked outside the window. I see a playground with fresh grass and small kid rides. The children were running around, painting the cement with chalk and playing on rides. I watched them and analyzed their faces.

Not only does the place look familiar. Also the kids were.

It suddenly hit me.

I'm back in the orphanage. But the friends I once played with... I realized they didnt get older.

Wait a minute.

I took a step back, away from the window. I looked at my hands, up to my arms, my chest.

My chest is smaller?

I looked at my feet and my favorite shoes I once wore... but from 5 years ago.

My eyes roamed the room. I went to the calendar that was hanging on the wall.

What? How'd I get here?

Okay. Chill. Think it through. I was with all of them then a light appeared. If I'm here where's the others?

I suddenly remembered.


If this is 5 years ago, then Mitsu isn't here yet. He'd be in the orphanage next year.

So if he's at his biological home then..

I recall small flashbacks of him telling me his story about his biological family.

"Hi! I'm Mitsu!"

I sat on the swing, with my head facing down.

As a shy kid I was, the only response I could give him was a wave.

"Uhm, I'm new here. So can we be friends?"

I looked up and saw him smile.


He sat on the swing beside me.

"So how'd you get here?"

His smile became forced and I knew something's up.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

He chuckled but he wanted to tell me since I was his new friend.

"I was abused."

"They hit me."

"So many times."

I became gloomy and only looked down on the floor as I remembered flashbacks about how I got here.

"How about you?"

I looked up again at him and made a small smile.

I didnt want to tell. Firstly, it humiliated me. People would judge me if they heard what happened.

Secondly, it haunted me every single night. I thought I was in the wrong for what I've done. Now that I'm, I guess, 'back in the past', I suddenly remembered.

Lastly, it broke me.

It broke me so much.

I whispered the words to him but he couldnt hear me.

"Sorry?" Mitsu asked, his head leaning closer.


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