Chapter 13

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Mitsu's POV


She said carefully.

"I was raped by a random stranger"

She held the handles of the swing tight.

"It happened a 3 months ago. I wanted to play in the park but my parents wont let me. So I went out by myself."

I could feel the sadness in the tone of her voice, her eyes, everything. I could feel her break in so many pieces.

"I woke up the next day crying and feeling my body sore. The man wasnt there anymore."

Tears fell from her eyes.

"I went home and they were worried. But after a few days I told them what happened."

She looked to the ground as more tears were flowing.

"They hit me."

"They called me a slut and that I was stupid and that I didnt have any respect for my body."

"After that, I kept vomiting. I didnt know why because I was so young. I told my parents and they got so mad. I thought I was the one guilty. I blamed myself."

Her hands was shaking as I pat her back slowly.

"I had abortion as soon as possible."

"They thought they couldnt take care of me anymore, that I have no worth for them anymore. That was when they thought of adopting me. I begged them not to. But they still did."

(Just wanted to add this in:
Rape and abuse is no joke. We should all take it seriously. We dont know what they are really going through and what the reality of their life is. People show different sides of them, people act different around their friends, best friends, and family. So we do not know the reality of their lives and what is going on inside their house. We should all not take this lightly but rather than that, we should be supporting each other and be lightening each other's spirits:))))

Suddenly, the hint of my sadness was interrupted by a headache. I held my head as I gritted my teeth in pain and my eyes clenched shut.

[Y/N]'s tears stopped as she looked at me both confused and worried.

"Hey, are you ok?"

"Agh!" Was my only response as my headache worsened.

As I opened my eyes, I wasnt me anymore.

I looked up at [Y/N] with tears on her cheeks that wasnt dry yet.

"[Y/N]? Why do you have tears on your cheeks? Were you crying? Who hurt you? Dont worry I'll portect you. It's okay."

I wasnt the Mitsu who was listening to [Y/N]'s story just a minute ago.

I was the 'future' Mitsu.(the future Mitsu went back in time)

The Mitsu who was dedicated to protect his one and only love — [Y/N].

"No. I'm fine. What about you? You were acting weird."

"I'm fine. Why are you asking that? Nothing bad happened to me. You should take a look at your swollen eyes."

[Y/N] furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she stood in front of me.

"You were having a major headache just a second ago."

I also stood up with confusion.

"No I didnt. We were at the forest. I didnt have any headache when were there."

Her eyes lit up while mine was still confused.

"Mitsu! I'm so glad you're here!"

She hugged me but I just stood there and didnt know what was happening.

"What? I've always been by your side."

"Well, uhm, not like I, uhh, like you still or anything."

She stared at me for a moment.


"I mean, uhm, what were you talking about again?"

"Oh! I'm just so glad you're here. This may seem so fucking crazy on so many levels but,"

"I think we went back in time."

I stood there silently thinking if it was a joke she's pulling on me again.

But as I looked around, I realized that what she said might be true or she just bought me to the adoption center and pranked me.

I looked around for cameras because I thought she was really pranking and filming me. There was none though.

As I looked around, there were familiar faces of kids there. I took a look at myself.

I peeked inside my pants.

My down there.

It's supposed to be huge.

But it's so tiny.

"What the fuck are you doing? Don't tell me you're starting to get horny in an adoption center."

She froze and said, "Are you a pedophile?"

"No! Dumbass"

I looked at her whilst closing my pants and said,

"What do we do now?"

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