6 {Sehun}

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I made her wait three days. Well, barely three days. She gave me the contract Tuesday morning and started tracking me down by Thursday afternoon. And by tracking me down, I mean stalking me like a vampire hunter.

On the third day, I was late - as usual - so I didn't expect to see her until lunch. Five minutes after I parked the car and got to my locker, Suzy popped out of nowhere.

"Did you decide yet?"

My hand pulled off the lock but didn't open the locker. I looked around the halls suspiciously before looking back at her. Dark bags were under her eyes, matching her dark eyes and scowl. "Do you have a surveillance camera on me or something? How did you know I was here?"

Her fingers played with the strap of her bag, and she looked down at her feet. "I didn't. I was on my way to the office and happened to see you."

"Sure you did." I smiled at her frown and opened my locker. A few folded papers fell out, all covered with neat, girly handwriting and exclamation points. "I see you had a pretty busy morning."

Blinking quickly, Suzy snatched the papers from my hand and shoved them deep in her bag. "Momentary lapse of judgement. You weren't responding to my texts, so I figured I'd have to get your attention somehow."

"Mission accomplished." I watched her rock back and forth on her heels. How did anyone ever think she was an ice queen? The girl was like a whirlwind of emotions. "Look, I know you're anxious, but I'm pretty sure this could count as harassment. Do you need me to put a restraining order on you or something?"

I meant it as a joke, but her gaze fell down to her feet. She looked very vulnerable. "Oh my gosh, you're right. What the heck is wrong with me? It's so stupid. This whole thing is. Just - just forget it."

My smile faded. I poked her shoulder. "Look, I didn't - I mean, it is pretty stupid, but it's, uh . . ." I didn't know what I was trying to say. I just didn't want her to burst out crying or something. I hated when girls cried.

Eyes still looking down, she bit her lower lip like a little kid who was just told she'd never get dessert again. "Maybe I should just go."

I grabbed her arm before she could walk away. "I didn't mean -"

A group of girls passed us, and I automatically raised my other hand to wave. A couple of them gave me a half smile before turning to Suzy. Their smiles widened, but this time they were obviously fake.

"Do you think you'll be able to make the Honor Society meeting this weekend, Suzy?" a tall thin girl asked, blinking innocently. "I know how busy you are these days, and I'd be glad to monitor the meeting for you instead."

Suzy swallowed and straightened her shoulders. Her chin rose so it seemed like she was looking down at the other girls, even though most of them were her height. "I'll be there, but thanks for asking Seolhyun. Maybe if you paid more attention to your classes instead of my social life, then you could have been the president of the club instead of just a secretary." Tossing her hair over her shoulder, Suzy turned away like she was dismissing them.

Seolhyun gaped at her for a few seconds before stomping away with her friends.

With an admiring smile, I gave Suzy a slow clap of applause. "Nicely done."

She let out an unsteady sigh and shrugged.  "I can handle a couple of girls. So don't worry. I have to get to class."

"Suzy -" I let out a loud sigh and banged my forehead against my locker after she left. Well, she just took the fun out of messing with her. Where was the sarcastic spitfire who was her seconds ago? I definitely would have preferred her pissed and hissing at me over sad and defeated any day.

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