9 {Sehun}

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Within days, we fell into a comfortable routine. I'd pick Suzy up for school, we'd go to class, we'd eat lunch together, and then I'd take her back to my place.

It was not as exciting as it sounds.

Like today, I was laying on the couch as I played games on my PlayStaion. Suzy sat in the kitchen working on her homework. I invited her to join me, but she declined. Without looking up from her report, she just asked me to promise to save her when there's an alien invasion or zombie apocalypse. Whichever came first. The girl could be pretty funny when she wanted to be.

Going to my house after school was my idea, and it was a really good one, too. Especially since my neighbor was none other than Ailee Byun, head of the school's gossip column. I'm pretty sure that's how our hookup came out so quickly.

Any doubting anyone about our relationship the next day. I just had to take Suzy home by six thirty each day before Eomma and Mark came home.

Suzy did have one rule, though. Even though she'd been in my room before - obviously, since she woke up in my bed - she refused to go up there now. So we compromised - and by compromised, I mean, I was made to give in - and brought my PlayStation down and plug into the living-room TV while she studied and did her homework in the kitchen.

I was seconds from taking down the mother ship when a car door slammed outside. It sounded like it came straight from my driveway. This wasn't good.

A feeling of dread hit me. I put the game on pause and leaned forward on the arm of the couch to look outside. No, not good at all. Through the large front windows on either side of the front door, I could see two shadowy figures walking up the pathway, arms full of groceries. "Damn it!"

Suzy appeared at the door. "What's wrong?"

"My stepdad and mom are home."

Her eyes widened on her pale face. She stood frozen in the living-room doorway. "But - but you said they never come home before seven on a weekday!"

I turned off the game hesitantly. I had been so close to finishing the level, too. "Well, obviously today is an exception. And we're about to be screwed."

"Which means?"

"Meaning that Eomma is the biggest gossip at the PTA meetings, and if you don't move your and get over her to cuddle with me, then our cover is blown!"

At my words, Suzy ran over to the couch so fast that I half expected smoke to come out of her feet. Jingle. Jingle. The keys were unlocking the door. Thud. My arm dropped down at her small shoulders and pulled her close to my chest. She barely had time to curl her legs under her and drop her head on my shoulder when the door opened.

Realizing too late that we couldn't pretend to be watching TV since it was off, I turned my head and pressed my lips against hers. Her eyes widened, and she stared up at me, but she didn't move away. Even though I knew Eomma was right there, I couldn't help noticing how soft Suzy's lips were. MY fingers dug into the couch, and I fought the urge to deepen the kiss.

"Sehun-ah, we're home. I'm going to start dinner soon, so I hope you remembered to put the chicken out to defrost - omo!"

I pulled away just as Eomma stopped in her tracks. Mark stumbled into her back and had to juggle the bags in his arms. "Oh, hi, Eomma. Yeah, sorry, I forgot to put the chicken out."

Her voice grew a bit high-pitched. "That's okay, I can see that you were . . . busy."

Mark brushed past her and headed toward the kitchen without saying anything. Being a typical ass as usual. I thought he would have at least pretended to be civil with Suzy here. I guessed that was just too much to ask of His Royal Highness.

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