8 {Suzy}

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The plan caused a bit of a commotion that people stopped in their tracks as we walked down the hall together, hand in hand.

I am embarrassed to admit that my hands were starting to get sweaty. I'd been in front of crowds before, but it was usually at award ceremonies, where people barely paid attention to me. They were just happy to get out of class.

Everyone was definitely on full alert now. Although part of the staring might be because they'd never seen Sehun early to school before.

It's like a dream where you arrived at school naked, except I wasn't. I even checked to make sure my jeans were zipped. Yup, up and secure. I ducked my head down and self-consciously reached up to sweep my bangs out of my eyes, only to realize that my hand was still holding Sehun's. Cheeks flushed, I dropped our hands like it was on fire.

Sehun, however, didn't even bat an eye at my awkwardness. In fact, he took it all in. He let go of my hand to brush my bangs out of my eyes for me. He even tucked a strand behind my ears before leaning in to kiss my cheek. You would've thought pretending to someone's boyfriend was just a daily routine for him.

There was a loud gasp behind us.

His lips curved into a smile against my face before he grabbed my hand again. His eyes twinkled down at me with amusement. I would have laughed with him if I weren't so nervous.

And just like that, I suddenly wasn't anymore. Especially when his hand - which was formerly on my waist - drifted lower. Way lower.

I shot him a glare. "What are you doing?" I hissed.

"Just making sure we know where the boundaries are." His hand shot back up to my shoulders and hugged me to side as he smothered his laughter. "Note taken."

The crowd moved forward with us until we were in front of the lockers. Sehun let go of me and knelt down to open his. I took the opportunity to wipe my hands on the side of my jeans. Everything I needed was already in my bag, so I just tried to look casual as I waited. Like there weren't bunch of students staring at us from every angle as if were the entertainment at the circus. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Come see the nerd and the handsome god!

The only person who was more natural than Sehun was Soyeon. Her acting skills came into great use. "Hey, Reformed Prince," she called out with a wink in my direction before giving him a high five.

Without missing beat, he gave her a one-armed hug in greeting, like they were old friends. I noticed that she leaned into his muscled shoulder a few seconds longer than needed, though.

"Reformed Prince?" A confused yet amused expression crossed his face. "What does that mean?"

My face flushed, and I waved both hands at him. "Don't worry about it. She's crazy."

Just then Mr. Kim walked passed us with a stack of folders in his arms. "Hello, Suzy. Soyeon." He barely gave us a glance before she stopped short. He backed up and squinted at Sehun like he didn't understand what was going on. I don't think anyone did. "Mr. Oh. You're . . . here. Before the bell."

"I know, right? You're not the only one who's surprised." Sehun laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "But I couldn't say no to Suzy. I mean, when she has her mind set on something, there's nothing this girl can't do."

"Hmm." Mr. Kim looked back and forth between us a few times before shaking his head and walking away. "Well, it's good to see you. All of you."

I gave Sehun a grateful smile. He didn't know about my problems with Mr. Kim or how much anxiety I'd been going through prepping for the fair, yet somehow he made everything better. I guess he really wasn't so bad after all.

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