20 {Sehun}

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I searched everywhere for Suzy, but she was nowhere in sight. Even though it was only sixth period and we had just seen each other at lunch, I missed her. We'd gone from seeing each other every single day to barely seeing each other at all. Now I felt like something was always missing. I didn't know how I'd gone through my life without Suzy before.

I couldn't even call her whenever I wanted to, in case her dad was around. He was pretty mad. I felt bad for Suzy, since I got to escape and she was stuck. After all, I was the one who came over. I had asked her to stay with me a little longer before we fell asleep. It was my fault that she was in trouble in the first place. It was always my fault.

After I got my history book from my locker, an arm curved around my torso and someone leaned into my back. Suzy. An automatic smile crossed my face, but I tried to play it cool. Like  I hadn't spent all day thinking of her. "I know you missed me, but this is a surprise. I thought you didn't care for PDA? Not that I mind."

The arms tightened. "You know I could never keep my hands off you, whether we're in public or private."

I turned around just as Seulgi moved in closer. "What are you doing?"

Her lips pouted. "I would have thought that you'd know exactly what I'm doing."

I was surprised to see her. She had called me a few times since the beach party, but I didn't pick up. Partly because I didn't want to hear her bitch at me, but also because I was a little mad about the way she had treated Suzy. I understood how Seulgi could be, but Suzy didn't deserve that.

But I knew I couldn't avoid Seulgi forever. We were friends. Are friends.

She leaned against the locker beside mine and looked down at the ground, only lifting her eyes to look up at me. "I broke up with Jimin last week."

"That's . . . great."

A flicker of confusion crossed her face, but she quickly recovered. She edged closer and slid her hand lightly down my arm. "I was expecting a more excitement response than that, but I'll take it. My parents are out of town at the moment. You could come over to my house."

I held my hand over hers to make her stop. "Look, I've love to, but -"

She pouted. "Not even for old times' sake?"

Before I could even answer, a high-pitched voice interrupted us. "Not even for the winning lotto numbers."

We both looked up, and Suzy stared at us. Her teeth chewed on her lower lip, but she raised her chin and glared at Seulgi, I couldn't help feeling a tinge of pride.

Seulgi moved back but still didn't release my arm. "Maybe we'll play next time, when you get rid of your babysitter." Catching me off guard, she jerked my wrist until I tilted to the said and gave me a loud kiss on the cheek. She gave Suzy a smirk and walked off.

Aish. I stayed frozen in the hunched position. My eyes squeezed shut. I honestly didn't know what to do or say. Technically I didn't do anything wrong, so I didn't know why I felt so guilty. Like I was in trouble, and I didn't even know why.

Like a kid who's just gotten caught eating desserts before dinner, I slowly peeked up and grimaced. Suzy's face was burning red, and her jaw was clenched so tight that her lips were practically invisible.

My first instinct was to run. Get as far away as I could before she went possessed psycho on me. But I couldn't just leave Suzy when she was angry. Didn't want to.

Craaap. My life was so much easier when I didn't care. "Suzy, I can explain -"

"Forget it." She turned away and walked so quickly that I had to practically jog to keep up. Her sandals smacked on the floor with each stomp. I could barely hear her muttering over them. "I should have known you'd jump back to her. One flutter of her fake lashes and you'd come running. Gosh, what an idiot. Stupid. Obnoxious, two-faced -"

"Hold up. Are you talking about me?" Without waiting for her answer, I caught her elbow and forced her to stop. She continued staring down instead of me, as if I were a bug on the ground. Probably one she'd squash in a heartbeat. "In case, you didn't notice, I was blowing her off when you showed up, so why am I an idiot? And believe me, there was much more than just fluttering lashes that was being offered here."

Her blazing eyes flickered up, and I automatically flinched. I probably could have left that part out. Crap, I think I preferred her to not look at me. "Oh, I heard enough about how you'd love to meet her, but you're stuck with your boring girlfriend who's as appealing as a dentist appointment, right? So why don't you go tell her that you changed your mind? Your babysitter's busy tonight." Her rant came out in a stuttered rush.

"Aish, I never said any of that!" My exasperated breath came out through my clenched teeth like a hiss. Why was she acting up? Was it her time of the month or something? "You know I don't think that about you." I reached for Suzy's cheek. Or at least tried to.

She moved away from my touch so fast that she bumped into some kids by their lockers. "I just - I don't know what to think anymore." Suzy looked around the crowded hall and bowed her head again. "Let's talk about this later. When we're alone."

Right, because of her precious reputation. Wasn't that the reason we were in this crap to start with?

For some reason, this only fueled my anger. I shoved my hand in my hair in frustration. I'm not a stranger to angry women - heck, I was a pro at defusing them - but only if it was my fault. Which it usually was. But not this time. Why was she playing the martyr in the situation? Why did I feel like crap as I defended myself? What did I even do wrong?

If anyone was mad around here, it should be me. I was the one turning down sex while Suzy was off going to plays and almost kissing guys in cars. For once, I was the good guy here. I didn't call her out on it. I'd been freaking saint ever since I signed that stupid contract.

I leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Fine, we'll continue this later." She stiffened at my closeness but didn't pull away this time. "But I don't know why you're so worked up about this like a jealous girlfriend. We're not really dating, remember?"

Shit, that was definitely the wrong thing to say. I wanted to take back the words, but it was like I couldn't stop myself. "You said this was just a business arrangement or are you just full of crap now?"

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