15 {Sehun}

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With a towel wrapped around my neck, I grabbed my keys and got ready for the beach. I hadn't planned to go today. The rumbling clouds outside should have been enough for me to get back into bed. But I needed to do something. Anything to get my mind off Suzy and that stupid-ass idiot.

Okay, so Minho wasn't actually an idiot. If anything, he was too smart. And he could be nice. Sometimes. But that didn't make him any less of a stupid ass. I mean, what kind of guy goes after another person's girlfriend? Or sort-of-girlfriend. Or -

Screw it. I needed to surf. I needed to get out on the water and forget everything and everyone. Even if it was just for a few hours. After I texted Suzy that I couldn't drive her today. I grabbed my board and headed downstairs to grab a bite.

Too bad Mark was sitting the kitchen eating breakfast when I came downstairs. Already, this was went from crappy to worse. "Skipping school again. That's no surprise. I actually didn't think you knew how to wake up before noon."

I grabbed a couple of blueberry muffins that Eomma had baked the day before from the plate on the counter. Without reacting to his comment, I turned to face him and a bit half of it into my mouth, knowing that he hated when I talked with my mouth open. One of the few hundred things he hated about me. "And I didn't think that you knew how to be a douche bag 24/7, but somehow you managed that," I finally commented without swallowing.

He glared at me. "I don't understand how that Bae girl could stand being with you. She should be smart enough to know that she deserves better than that."

"Yeah, well, you know all about smart women staying with jerks, wouldn't you?"

Mark slammed his hands on the table and glowered ta me. "If there's anyone who was a jerk to your mom, then it was your deadbeat dad. She should have left that bastard before he even ended up in jail. Thank goodness that she finally realized it in the end. Just like your little girlfriend will soon realize that you're going nowhere. She's about to get out of this city and make something out of her. Do you really think she needs someone like you weighing her down?"

In a burst of anger, I grabbed his shirt and yanked him forward. His fists punched at my arms and shoulders, but I didn't care. I didn't feel any of it. "Shut the hell up before I beat your ass so hard you -"

"Mark! Sehun! You let him go this instant!"

I loosened my grip, but I still didn't let go. "Great timing, Eomma."

She dropped the groceries at her feet and pulled at my arms. "I said let him go!"

Scowling, I finally released him, and Mark stumbled backward. His face was red. He massaged his shoulders and neck with both hands and glared at me. "That's it! I don't care if he's your son,  Taehee. I won't take this anymore. Imeant what I said before. Once he graduates, I'm kicking him out of this house."

I took a step toward him. "Why don't I save us both the trouble and just leave right now?"

"You said it. Now, pack your bags and get the hell out of here before I call the police. You ungrateful piece of -"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Eomma suddenly yelled. "Both of you!"

Mark and I were surprised that we stopped yelling and looked at her. In 4 years that Mark and Eomma had been together, she'd never yelled at him before. Hell, I never even heard her talk to him in a loud voice, much less her "You better listen to me before I get even more mad" voice. Eve I rarely got that voice. Only once, when I got in a fight with Mark's nephew at their wedding. (I won. Although it didn't feel like it after Eomma was through with me.)

She let out a shaky, deep breath and shook her head. "Mark, don't you have a surgery this morning? You don't want to be late, do you?"

Mark looked like he wanted to argue, but for once, he was smart and decided to keep his mouth shut. He just nodded and left the kitchen.

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