19 {Suzy}

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Grounded. That was my life sentence. Or at least until Appa was old enough to have memory loss. Could have been worse, though. Appa looked like he was ready to kill Sehun, and probably would have if Eomma hadn't stopped him. He just sent Sehun home and lectured me every minute since then. During dinner, to school, from school. He even lectured me on the way to the bathroom. And refused to let anyone say Sehun's name in front of his name.

Eomma was a lot easier. She gave me the safe-sex talk (after which I wanted to die), but after that, she was fine.

At least I still have visitors, as long as they weren't Sehun.

"Okay, what's up with you guys?" Soyeon dropped her bag on the floor and jumped on my bed. I bounced with her a few times until she settled down next to me.

"Hi to you, too." I grabbed a pillow to play with. "Are you going on the Art Club field trip next Friday?"

"Let's see, I get to skip trig and visit a museum for a discount. You can bet your pretty booty I'm going," she said with a wide smile and linked her arm through mine. "You're going, right?"

"I haven't decided. I might have to do something with the newspaper. If I don't, can you take some pictures for me? I want to write a report on the sculptures for extra credit."

"Of course. We wouldn't want your average to side below an A+ now, would we?" Soyeon yawned so wide, I could practically see the inside of her mouth. Not a pretty sight. "You know, sometimes it really sucks being friends with you."

I smiled and laid a hand on my chest. "Thanks. I really feel the love."

She bumped her shoulder against mine. "Whatever, loser. Now, back to my first question. What's up with you guys? Did you finally have sex?"

My eyes burned from the instant blush that shot up my face. "Soyeon!"

"Come on, you had to be doing something to get grounded. Your parents never ground you. Am I supposed to believe that you two actually just talked all night?"

But we did. And it was one of the best nights I'd ever had. "We talked and slept. And only slept, so get your head out of the gutter." I said, tapping her forehead with my finger a bit harder than necessary, to get the point across.

"Ouch! Fine, if you say so." She took the pillow from me and threw it in the air. "But it sucks that you guys can't see each other much anymore. I mean, even I think your parents driving you to and from school is overdoing it a little."

"Yeah, well. I wasn't exactly in the position to argue."

"Okay, I'll concede on the sex thing, but I still think something is up with you two. You're different."

I shot her a curious look. "Good different or bad different?"

"Good. More relaxed. Like you're a real couple now." She shook her head and lay back against my pillows. Her fingers played with the fringe on the end of my lace pillow. "I know about the truth about you two, but sometimes I can't forgetting. You're both so cute. And you fit together."

"Are you kidding me? We're nothing alike."

Soyeon rolled her eyes. "You don't need to be alike to be perfect for each other. Like that Yoona and Taecyeon. Kimmy and Kris. Beauty and the Beast. Jack and Rose."

My brows rose. "Beauty and the Beast?"

"You know what I mean. Stop pretending to date and just go for the real thing."

I tugged on my blanket, smoothing it on my bed. I had joked with Sehun before that he would never make my list of requirements for a boyfriend, but it was sadly true. In more ways than one. He had way too much experience for me. And I hated that. And also the thought of him being with Seulgi made me sick to the stomach, and she was only one girl. I didn't want to keep meeting new people and wondering if Sehun had ever been with them.

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