BEFORE {Sehun}

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Suzy caught my attention as soon as I spotted her at the party. She walked through the crowd with a drink in her hand. Her other hand swept her dark hair out of her eyes as she bobbed her head to the music.

I don't really know why I noticed her in the first place. She was a little more dressed up than usual, but there was a lot of other pretty girls wearing tighter, more revealing clothes. Especially the one on my lap. I think her name was Jenny? Jessica?

My fingers traced along Jenny/Jessica's collarbone and shoulders. "So, are you having fun?"

She smirked and leaned in closer to nuzzle my neck. "Especially now that you're here."

"Back at you." I tried to concentrate, but my eyes kept flickering back to Suzy. This time she was swaying to herself by the fireplace. Her hand was braced against the brick mantel. There were a couple of guys looking at her, but no one came close. Probably because they didn't want to get rejected by the Ice Queen, as everyone called her.

Giving up, I finally gave Jenny/Jessica a kiss on the cheek and stood up. She slid off my lap with a yelp. "I'll be back later." I turned away from her angry face and slipped through the crowd to get to Suzy. She didn't notice me. Not even when I was standing directing behind her. "Hey."

She spun and looked at me. "Oh, it's you."

Well, that was a pretty cool greeting. I was beginning to understand why everyone called her the Ice Queen. I leaned against the fireplace to face her, study her. "Uh, yeah. Are you okay? You don't look great."

"I'm fine. Terrific. Awesome." Suzy suddenly let out a small burp and covered her mouth. "And a little flatulent."

Laughing, I shook my head, too surprised by what was happening to know what to say. "Maybe you shouldn't be drinking so much if you're such a lightweight."

"What's a lightweight?"

"Someone who can't handle her drink." Like you, I added silently.

Her face beamed, and she leaned toward me, patting my arm. "Then that's not me. I had two! And I'm perfectly fine."

"Oh yeah?" I held up three fingers. "How many is this?"

She rolled her eyes. "Three. If you want to see if I'm drunk, you've got to use a better method than that.  I've been counting since I was fourteen months old." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pen. Flicking off the top of the pen, she started writing on her own arm. "Look, I can still write perfectly. Drunk people can't write, can they?"

I took her arm and examined it. She did write her name really neat. With lots of swirls. Suzy Bae. Since her handwriting was so perfect, it almost looked like a tattoo. I unconsciously caressed my thumb along her wrist. It was soft and warm. "Anybody can write their name."

"Fine, then I'll write yours."

"Don't you need to know my name first?"

She grabbed my arm and rubbed her palm against the surface of my skin. Liking the way she was touching me, I took another step toward her. "Oh, everyone knows who you are, Sehun."

Feeling a bit flattered, I watched as she drew out my name. With her tongue sticking out, she concentrated on each letter. Finally curling the h, she tossed the pen over her head. It hit some guy's shoulder. "Done." Her hand slid down to hold my hand.

"Nice. Now that I know you're not drunk, I think I should get you a drink." Still holding her hand, I wrapped my other arm around her waist and guided her through the crowd toward the kitchen.

Suzy followed me with a little skip in her step. "How do I know you're not drunk?"

"Oh, believe me, I can drink better than anyone here."

Looking very interested, her eyes flashed dangerously. She leaned against the counter and pointed a finger at me. "Oh yeah? That sounds like a pretty big dare. Why don't we test that out? For very shot I drink, then you have to drink three."

Really? Was she really trying to challenge me? I didn't regret coming to Suzy at all. The party was starting to get a little boring, but this conversation with her was worth making out with five girls. Snickering to myself, I handed her a small stack of plastic cups. "Deal."

With a smile, she grabbed a bottle of tequila and poured shots into them. She concentrated in getting the same amount in each one until there were three cups in front of her. I thought she was only going to drink one, but she let out a deep breath and grabbed them all, one by one. My jaw dropped as she drowned three cups in a row before grabbing a can of Coke to drink.

Wiping her chin, she shoved the bottle at me. "I had three, so that means nine more for you, Mr. big Shot."

I have her an admiring look. Dang, she was tough. A lot tougher than I'd originally thought. My pride was yelling at me to do it, while my head told me to just let it go. As usual, my pride got to the best of me. Oh, I was definitely going to regret this in the morning, but I couldn't turn down her challenge. I splashed tequila in the cups she'd just used.

Here goes nothing. I took each shot before I could back down. After the ninth shot, I couldn't help gagging. I was a good drinker, but I'd already had a few drinks. Not to mention, I hated tequila. Dark liquor flowed down much smoother. I waved the last cup at Suzy. The room was already starting to spin a little bit, but determined not to embarrass myself, I kept my feet firmly planted on the floor. "Happy?"

"Awesome. Let's have another one."

I had to pull her away from the counter when she tried to grabbed the bottle again. Pride or no pride, I wasn't planning to get shitfaced at the party tonight, and I knew I was already at my limit. "Let's dance instead."

The crowd in the living room parted a bit when we came in. Or maybe we shoved through them. I don't know. I didn't really notice. I didn't notice anyone but the amazing girl in my arms.

We danced to a few songs before someone turned on a slow one. Without any hesitation, Suzy wrapped her arms around my shoulders. Her face tilted back, and she bobbed to the music with her eyes closed. Tiny wisps of dark hair were plastered to her damp forehead. My hands clasps both side of her hips. Her tank top rolled up a little over her shorts, and I could feel her soft skin. Just an inch or so, I rubbed it under my fingertips, back and forth until it started to warm up under my fingers. All the while watching her face as she swayed to the music. Her face was calm, but her cheeks were turning a pretty pink. I didn't know if it was because of my touch or because the alcohol was finally creeping up on her. Everything was already getting kind of blurry for me.

Suzy opened her eyes and looked up at me. Her eyes were wide and unwavering. For some reason, I froze. I couldn't look away. I just studied her face, from her small forehead to button nose and sliding down to her rosy lips.

Suddenly, she licked her lower lip ever so slightly before leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss me. It was soft and hard. Hot and electrifying. Despite all the alcohol she'd just drunk, she tasted like candy. Sweet and addictive.

I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her closer to my body. She fit perfectly in my arms, like she was made to be there. Belonged there. Her hands on my shoulders tightened as she heard me and agreed.

__Toward the Walk of Shame__

So this had happen before Sehun and Suzy decided to faked the relationship. Seemed like they had found her perfect half, while I'm still here having no one. 😭😭

There will be one more chapter  which will be Suzy's point of view.

I hope you guys liked this chapter!

Toward the Walk of ShameNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ