27 {Sehun}

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After I dropped Seulgi off, I sat on the bench for hours to clear my head, but it didn't work. For once in my life, not even the water could make me forget my problems. I was still mad at Suzy, but I wanted to see her. To talk to her. My fingers aches - literally ached - to feel hers. Time dragged on until each second was like an hour, each hour was like a day, and - well, you get the point. And all because I missed Suzy. Really missed her. Like I was seconds away from writing poems about her. Yeah, I don't know what she did to me. Man, I should have been annoyed at her for messing up my life if I didn't love her so much.

It was way after dinnertime when I finally returned home. Eomma attacked me as soon as I came through the door. her hands were covered with flour. "Where have you been? I've been trying to call you for ages.

"Sorry, I had it turned off." So I wouldn't be tempted to call Suzy, I grabbed an kookie from the counter. "What's wrong?"

"Suzy was here."

The cookie crumbled in my hand as I looked at her. "Why? When?"

"She was looking for you earlier. Said she needed to talk to you about something." With a sigh, she nodded at something on the counter. "And she wanted to give you back your necklace."

"My neck -" On top of a pile of magazines, I found the silver chain nestled around the twisted ring. No. I grabbed it from the counter, not wanting to believe this was really my necklace. That she actually gave it back to me. That it was all really over. "Shit. I messed everything up with her."

My fist punched the countertop in frustration. Maybe if I had just let her talk. Maybe I could have been able to change her mind. I bet stupid Minho would have listened to her. Stupid, tall Minho who's always there for her.

Man, I hate that guy.

Eomma's hand curved around my arm, leaving dusty flour print on my arm. "Then fix it with her. Go tell her you're sorry for whatever you did."

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. She picked Minho. She's going to be with him now."

"Are you sure? Because she looked really sad when I told her that you were moving with your appa."

My head shot up to look at her. "You told her what?"

My fingers fidgeted together and white dust fell onto the floor. "Yeah . . . it was an accident. I thought you already told her about it yourself."

I meant to. I was going to tell Suzy all about Appa and my plans and the fact that I actually had plans because of her. And that my plans for the future now included her. But when she told me about kissing Minho, everything just disappeared. I didn't know what to do.

I was kind of hurt that she didn't stay to talk to me. To tell me she was proud of me. To break up with me in person. But what did I expect? She tried, but I was the one who left first.

Maybe I shouldn't have run away. I should have stayed to talk to her. That would have been the responsible thing to do. At least then she could have given me back the necklace, and we could have said goodbye properly. And I could have hugged her one more time.

Or I could have gone to Minho's house and kicked his butt. Yeah, that's what I should have done.

Still not too late.

__Toward the Walk of Shame__

Later that night as I laid on my bed, I stared at the stars on my ceiling.  My hand clenched the necklace so tightly that the edge of the ring cut into my palm. I didn't care about the pain in my hand. I didn't even care when Mark came into my room earlier to happily dropped off a calendar marking off the days until graduation, when I would move out.

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