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I soon get texts but they weren't from Hayden. They were from Carson.
Hey Annie are you okay??

yea I'm fine why?

you seemed a bit upset last night when you texted me, and Hayden told me you were acting weird all day

fine I'll tell you but you can't tell Hayden. Promise?


I like Hayden... but I found out he'd been dating Kenzie all along. if he had a girlfriend, why would he flirt with me? on camera even..

Oh... I'm sorry Annie. I'll tell you something too but you can't tell Hayden either.


he likes you, and liked you since the day he saw you. he only asked Kenzie out just because he wanted to get his mind off you. he likes Kenzie, but didn't want there friendship to turn into a relationship too soon.

so he used her??


why would he do that.

tell him how you feel, please Annie it'll only make things better.

I'm trusting you on this, Carson. Can I?

I'm here for you. go, tell him. come to me when things go wrong.

I'll come to you with whatever happens. Thank you.

'thank you.

Carson... Now I don't want to jump to every boy I meet but I swear there's something about him that no one not even Hayden makes me feel. I've never done this with Hayden. A trusting conversation. We're always about flirts and love but this is different. Better...
I took Carson's advice and told Hayden.

Look Hayden

Oh Heyyy Annie Banannie

Hayden I know you and Kenzie go out.

Who told you? Was it Carson.

No, well yes. When I was on your phone yesterday I saw the texts you got from Kenzie. Then I asked Carson if it was true..

Ok. I do go out with Kenzie.  Is there a problem?

Yes Hayden. I know you've been flirting with me this whole week. You practically cheated on her.
look I like you okay.

Annie I wasn't thinking I swear

I'm ok. you didn't hurt me, but Kenzie?

Annie I love you.

u used kenzie...

I don't know what to do.

oh I know.


how about you stop talking to me

Annie no.

Hayden I can't be friends with you if all I do is ruin your relationships

It's not your fault

it is Hayden. you cheated on her bc of me

it wasn't like that.

why didn't you tell me how you felt

I didn't want to ruin our friendship

Hayden I'll always be there no matter what

Im really sorry. this isn't your fault.

does Kenzie know?

I'll tell her...

Hayden told me everything and so
I text Annie knowing she's awake;

Annie I'm sorry. Me and Hayden broke up.

over me.. great

Annie ily this isn't your fault

no I ruined you guys' relationship I hate myself

you think I can control Hayden's feelings? he loves you Annie and I can't change his mind. I love him too. but I see the way you guys look at each other and I don't want to get in the way


I'll be fine 💙

I can't help it I just really like Annie... I text her a paragraph saying how I feel... then erase it. I know it sounds stupid she's 13 and I'm about To be 16 but it's only a two year difference once she turns 14 this year (I know Annie is only 12 turning 13 I just wanted a fair age between hannie since Hayden just turned 12 and Cannie since Carson will be 16)
EDITED !!! This story was edited. Cannie isn't happening sorry loves ☹️💘 check one of my updates to see why. new changes are Hayden asks Annie out and Cannie happens after Kayden break up irl if that makes sense
why is it that hannie fans are saying they don't ship Kayden because Kenzie deserves better than hayden. then why do you ship hannie?? you don't think Annie deserves better?? I thought she did but after seeing how Hayden is spending more time with Annie more than his now ex, becuase Annie doesn't live in Cali, shows how much he cares for her.

I ship hannie because Hayden cares for Annie a lot and they're friendship is more like a relationship it's cuteeeeeeeeeeee

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