Chapter 12 Pt. 1

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I was awaken by the sound of Emerald and Mercury arguing over bullshit no doubt. I sit up and see everyone else was already awake and dressed in the school uniform.

Emerald: We are not skipping class!

Mercury: Why not, it's not like we're noticed here anyways.

Emerald: Neo, back me up here.

Neo: I honestly don't give a shit if we go to class or not. I'm just hungry.

Emerald: Uhhh! You guys are hopeless.

Y/n: What did I say about waking me up?

Emerald: Well it's about time.

Y/n: I will stab you with a chair.

Emerald: How the fu-

Neo: The cafeteria closes in 30 minutes. If we don't make it in time, I'll make you eat the chair.

I got up and head to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. We left a few minutes later and sat at the first table we saw. As usual, it turned out to be the most annoying mistake of the day. We sat right across from team RWBY.

Blake: Um...hey.

Y/n: Hey.

Weiss: Do not engage in conversation with this, filth!

Ruby: Geez. Don't you think you're being a little harsh? I mean it's not like we've actually seen know...kill someone.

Weiss: I've heard more than enough from Blake and Yang.

Y/n: So you believe everything you hear?

Weiss: My teammates wouldn't lie to me.

Y/n: How do you know I didn't lie to them. What if I told you I killed Ozpin? Would you believe that?

Ruby: But you didn't kill him. Did you?

Weiss: As if he could even come close to touching Ozpin. It's amazing to think that he died in the first place.

Y/n: Last time I checked, you're ranked as the third best fighter in the school, right behind Pyrrha.

Weiss: Exactly! Third! Someone like you isn't worth the spot of a student at Beacon.

Ruby: Uh...Weiss.

Weiss: You got lucky during the entrance exams, seeing as how we did all of the work.

Blake: Weiss, I think-

Weiss: You make me sick. If it were up to me, I'd have you sent back to the shit hole you crawled out from. People like you need to disappear from the Earth. I pity your parents.

Y/n: At least you still have parents. That's right you selfish, spoiled little brat. I've lived ten years on my own with out so much as a penny for food. And where were you, enjoying life in a palace where you got everything you wanted. And you know what else, your third place rank doesn't mean shit compared to the fact that I'm first.

She was silent so I continued.

Y/n: How does the salt taste. You feel like you're so much better than everyone else. It's you who makes me sick.

I grabbed a knife from Emerald's plate.

Y/n: And to top off this vast mountain of sodium chloride, I can't die. So fuck you.

I stabbed my self in the chest to prove it.

Blake: What the hell is wrong with you!

Ruby: I'll go get Professor Goodwitch!

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