Part 3: so what did she say?

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KT's pov

I took Nicole upstairs to my room and showed her my nail polish's. she's chose the light pink one. While I painted her nails she started talking to me about what Eddie had said about anubis when he came to visit her in the first week of summer. "Eddie said to my brother that he loves this place." She whispers to me sweetly. "So....what did he say about me?" I asked curious about what he thinks about me. "Well,I heard him talking to my brother about how you have deep brown eyes that he gets lost in and how your hair is amazingly beautiful." She replied to my question. "Wow! How old are you?" I asked her and she was 7 years old. The girl knew how to spy. "He loves you,he really loves you!" She said to me,shocked I said nothing and carried on doing her nails. Eddie likes me? Never saw that coming!

Eddies pov

I wondered where Nicole had gone, I walked into KT's room to see Nicole talking endlessly about me. "No need for an essay" I said,KT turned around and saw me. She made a look saying 'what are you doing here?' And I replied "you didn't think I'd leave you alone with a non stop talker?" Nicole seem offended and said cheekily "don't worry I was just KT about what you said about her when you talked to my brother a few weeks ago!" And walked out the door happily and down the stairs. When Nicole left the room KT told me that we had an assignment to finish. I remembered and suggested we go out to get some stuff for it. Of course yacker got jealous and stayed at anubis.

General pov

KT and Eddie walked on the pavement in the city, they were laughing about last year, KT said "oh and remember at the the beginning of the year when the you acted all thirsty round me?" And Eddie laughed and said "I hate you," jokingly and KT walked closer to him and whispered in his year "really? Because Nicole told me that you looooove me!" And walked ahead of him and back to the house.

Patricia's pov

When they arrived back at anubis they walked through the doors laughing. I glared at Eddie and I knew something happened and I was gonna find out but Fabian Burst through the door and called an emergency sibuna meeting in the attic.

Ambers pov

Nina,Fabian,Eddie,Patricia,Alfie,KT and I were in the attic sitting on the floor. Fabian spoke "guys i was reading a book I'd found In the antechamber and look what I found!" Whilst pointing to a long boring passage "WOOOOW! Lots of words" I spoke and Fabian explained that for the osirion to restore his powers he must complete Roberts search through the tunnels! "We must of missed something in the tunnels! They don't end,they continue!" Nina said. Then we heard a booming voice-victor "and then I want to hear a pin drop!" Fabian quickly mentioned "sibuna stakeout tonight in KT's room,I think we can see the crypt from the window,better watch and see if anything appears!" So we all decided to stake out in KT's room....


Next chapter is saying what happens in KT's room

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