Part 4: rest your head on me until the night falls

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KT's pov

That night sibuna stayed in my room al sitting round on chairs and beds. I was inside down on my bed-bored to death. Fabian handed us a rota to tell us when we stay up to watch the crypt. I was on at 12:00pm -1:30am. So from 10:00pm to 12:00pm I would get some rest!

At 12:00pm I sat near the window gazing at the stars. Eddie then whispered "hey," and I turned around and smiled. He was awake for me. Aww I guessed it was true that he loved me.

He sat next to me and started talking about what Nicole said to me. "So is it true,does my eyes really go that deep and do I have a perfect smile?" I asked him reluctantly. He reached for my hand "you know it's true..." He said whilst leaning in to kiss me. I felt the most amazing feeling before he kissed me it was exciting and bubbly. He started wrapping his arms around my waits and kissed me. THE FEELS! I was lost,the guy I loved just like KISSED ME! Oh no,Patricia. I pulled away and we stared each other in the eye.....I couldn't let him cheat on Patricia. She may not of been the nicest person,but I still kinda like spend most of my time with her.

Eddies pov

I could fell KT so beautiful. I could finally tell her actually how I feel. But I guess that didn't mean cheating I mean Patricia broke up with me. KT she and I feel connected almost like she's apart of me. I didn't know what to do. I was too lost in the moment.


Oh no keddie :(! That's what you'll thinking,but! Will KT and Eddie get together? Or will Eddie come front and say he loves Patricia? Will KT and Eddie be forever or will Patricia find a way?

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