Chapter 3: Coming Out

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Cyrus POV: I don't even call Andi and Buffy to tell them I'm coming over. I just go straight to Andi's house because she's always in her room or in the Andi Shack. I'm walking to her house in the hot sun and I'm drenched in sweat. So I take advantage of the moment and start to run so I can exercise and get ready for gym class next year. I can't take another year of torment, even though I am valedictorian of my class I barely pass gym last year with a 70. I would've been held back if I got a 69. I kinda wish I was being held back because I want to be alone, but I need to fix my situation. It's 106 degrees outside and I'm gonna die out here so I take off my shirt. And who do you think I see around the corner...of course it has to be JONAH BECK And it looks like he's mailing a letter. I try not to look but his gorgeous smile entices me to stare. he doesn't notice at first but he gives me a glare and a slight smile and he walks back home. "Oh wow!! Did Jonah really smile at me!" I continue my "workout" and I finally reach Andi's house. I stare at the door, but before I could run away from her house, Bex had answered the door. I don't know why but I feel like I could trust her, she also has a good vibe . I still hadn't told anybody that I was gay. Well technically, Only I knew. And Bex seemed chill enough to help me. She even helped Buffy when she burned her hair off.

"Hey Bex?" I asked
"Yeah." Bex said
"Can I tell you something?"
"Of course, it a secret, I love secrets" she exclaimed
Then I said "umm you know what.. nevermind"
I walk away and she grabs a hold of my shoulder.
"Cyrus you can tell me anything, I'll love you for who you are"
I think to myself: omg she loves me I can't remember the last time my mom, dad, step-mom, or step-dad said that to me. I guess I'm with "the gang" long enough that they love me. And I love them. I then realized exactly why I chose to come to meet with Andi and Buffy, it's cause they're like my sisters and my family.
"Hey Bex can I come inside?"
"Of course" she says
I then realized I was about to come out to Bex and maybe my friends next. I can't believe that I am doing this by myself. I didn't even come here to come out. I came here to talk about Jonah. Hopefully Andi won't be mad cause she likes him too. I wonder who Jonah likes, because he certainly doesn't seem happy with Amber.
Bex: So you wanted to tell me something?

I choked on my tongue and I couldn't speak ughhhh... this is so hard but I softly said those 2 grueling words......I'm gay......

I start to cry on the couch and Bex comforts me and says everything will be alright and she accepts me for who I am.
"Cyrus, I won't tell anybody, I promise✋🏼"
Bex: Cyrus, you can put your shirt back on, wash up and take a breather in the restroom.
I gladly said thank u and I went to freshen up and calm down
Bex: Oh, by the way I don't think you came here to talk to me, but the girls are in the Andi Shack.
"Thanks Bex."
It would turn out that Bex would be the only person I would come out to.....willingly at least.

Andi's POV: Buffy, I don't know what to do. Jonah is still with Amber and he's clearly not happy with her. I care so much about him

Buffy: Andi, I know you care about him, but you can't manipulate him, you'll be as bad as Amber.
Andi: I know Buffy but.....I LOVE HIM!!
Buffy: Awwwww, that's so sweet. Andi? Are you crying?
"I'm sorry", I say as I wipe my tears
"It's just that I care about him and he's not happy and he's not with me and....."
Buffy: Let me stop you right there, are you crying because he's not happy or are you crying cause you 2 aren't dating?? Like Me and Marty for example, we clearly like each other but you don't see me crying that we're not dating. Andi, suck it up, please???? For me??? I know he likes you, and your time will come.
Andi: Thanks Buffy!
I give Buffy a big hug and squeeze her hard a little bit for mocking my crying.

The door opens...
It's Cyrus

Thank you so much for reading Chapters 3 of my book I'll update everyday and the best is still yet to come. Right now is the drama and things will get "intense" as we go on.

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