Chapter 6: Jonah's Bad Day

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Andi's POV:
Ahhhhh, I can't believe he likes me!!! This is a dream come true I've liked him forever and now this is finally happening. I have to tell Buffy, oh wait we had a fight. Maybe I can tell Cyrus, no I think he's mad at me. I was a total ass today. What's the point of having a boyfriend if you can't tell your friends? But I did notice one thing. Some stuff didn't make sense in here. Like Jonah never ignored and what does "roll that way" mean. Ehhh, I don't really care cause Jonah Beck Likes me!!  Well I'm gonna fall asleep so I can go to The Spoon tomorrow.

Cyrus's POV:
"Hey thanks for letting me sleepover, I really appreciate it" I say
"No problem, I'm just being a friend." Buffy says

"I'm so grateful, are u we still on for The Spoon?"

"Of course just not with Andi" Buffy chuckles
"Sounds like a plan, 6 o clock?" I say
"Sure" Buffy says
I leave Buffy's house still disgusted with my actions of the night before. I can't believe I almost ended my life, but it was for Jonah. I love Jonah a lot and I really want him to know but he needs to know that Ambers cheating on him. I'll text him right now.
I get my phone from my pocket and it says on my home screen

From: Jonah❤️
"Hey I need your help for something."

OMG JONAH TEXTED ME IM SO HAPPY! But still annoyed over the letter
I guess I'm gonna text him
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TEXT MESSAGES
Cyrus: Hey Jonah?
Jonah: what's up with the question mark?
Cyrus: ?????????
Jonah: You crack me up, you gnarly SOB
Cyrus: *giggle*
Cyrus: So you needed help?
Jonah: Yeah I wanted to.........
Cyrus: Wanted to what????
Jonah: I wanted to break up with Amber
Cyrus: Oh really .......why so?
Jonah: I just don't wanna be with her anymore, wouldn't you know that?
Cyrus: Why would I know what?
Jonah: Oh ok so you haven't read my letter?
Cyrus: Oh I did! And I'm shocked and disgusted, lost, and confused! Why would you put me in this situation!!!
Jonah: I'm sorry, I just wanted to tell you how I felt!
Cyrus: Well by the way, she's cheating on you! You dumbass! Yeah when your mind was fucked up and you  were being a retard looking at plants, Amber was kissing some dude and you didn't even notice.
Jonah: Kip?
Cyrus: how'd u know?
Cyrus: I'm certainly not a stalker and I don't want affiliation with you if don't want to be seen with me. I get it. I'm done trying to be ur friend, cause you obviously don't feel what I feel. I'm shocked at what you sent me. Break up with Amber by yourself I don't need you and  you don't need me I'm gonna go live my life and please have yourself a bad day!!!!!!!!
Jonah: Cyrus!!???........
Jonah: Cy-Guy?......😭😰

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Cyrus's POV:
Omg I can't believe I stood up to him, that felt really good, but I don't wanna be too harsh, but next time don't ask for help if you don't like me. I'll apologize later I don't really care I don't need him. I was lying to myself. I DO CARE ABOUT. I LOVE HIM AND I NEED HIM!! He can break up with her himself he doesn't need me. He's a big boy. Cyrus's big boy.....I love the sound to that. I'm just gonna go home and nap cause I'm freakin exhausted.

Jonah's POV:
Why would Cyrus say that?😭 He's insulting me and talking a lot of shit to me. I thought he liked me and I thought he was gay, but apparently he's not....and it broke my heart. I guess I have to hide the fact that I'm bisexual. I guess I'll just be with Andi and live my life as a lie , but I'm still going to The Spoon to see if Cyrus shows up. IM SO SAD AND FRUSTRATED WITH MYSELF AND IM FILLED WITH RAGE. I toss my furniture around and make a huge mess in the living room. I bang the walls and break glass fixtures. I'm basically tearing my house apart. I'm filled with anger and I hate Cyrus but I love him. It's weird. I wanna kick his face in with both my shoes and my lips. Ahhh, my feelings!! Why can't I control them. I grab my phone 📱 and I text Amber this.....
-----Warning; use of profanity---

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