Chapter 8: The Harsh Reality

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Buffy's POV:
I had no idea why I was following Cyrus. But right now he's my best friend and I'm gonna be there for him whenever he needs me. Cyrus is running his heart out as if he knows something's wrong. I don't know how he could possibly know anything but whatever. I honestly think he might be making a big deal out of nothing. Maybe there was a letter mix up? I don't know why Jonah didn't say it to their faces but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

"Come on Buffy, we're only a block away!"
Cyrus screams

"Ok Cyrus" I say

Cyrus's POV:
I'm running and my heart is racing. Something's wrong, I know it. I have a feeling that Buffy is thinking that I'm being paranoid, but at least she's with me, unlike Andi. Why is she being a bitch! To me, to Buffy, Jonah, and everyone.

She's my best friend, at least....she was.
I'm almost at Jonah's house and from half a block away I start seeing flashing red and blue
Lights flashing and I hear sirens 🚨. I dash to his house to make sure that the ambulance wasn't there . But..... it was. My stomach dropped and I fall to the concrete sobbing, hoping that everything is okay. I completely lose it, I'm having trouble breathing, I'm hyperventilating and there's tears all over my sweater and my heart is broken and devastated.
"No, this can----n't be haaa---appening Buffy!"
I say
Buffy: It's okay Cyrus it's probably nothing that big.

Buffy's POV:
I go inside Jonahs house and I see Bex crying
"She's here because of me"

It was Andi

Buffy: Andi?
Andi: After you guys left I texted Bex to pick me up and we decided to stop by here and that's when we.....
Buffy: when we what!???
Andi: I can't say, I'm too....
Andi falls onto the couch sobbing.

What the heck is going on I think to myself.
Let me go to the ambulance. I walk back outside and I see Cyrus screaming

Cyrus is breaking down immensely and he's going crazy. I rush to him and I see paramedics trying to revive Jonah. I catch a peek of what they're doing to him and I see 2 GIANT CUTS DOWN BOTH OF JONAH'S ARMS!
"Buffy, he'll be okay right?!" Cyrus pants
I see that Jonah is pale and lying lifeless on a gurney.
"Step back" the paramedic yells

"Please I love him!" Cyrus yells
"Only family" the paramedic says
"He has none let me stay here" Cyrus pleads

I fall on my knees and start crying. Cyrus comes to me and we cry together.
"He's dead isn't he" Cyrus says
"Yeah" I say
Cyrus can barely breath.
"U---uhokay, cy--rus" I say
He's not responding.
"Cyrus speak to me"
He's gasping for air
The paramedics rush to him and give him oxygen while 2 stay with Jonah. He's now inside the ambulance where he's being given CPR, oxygen, and an IV.
"He's lost too much blood, we can't do the IV!" The paramedic screams
All the paramedics are yelling at each other and ik thinking that both of my friends are gonna die. All I can do is cry. I cry. I walk back inside and say that Cyrus is having an asthma attack, and me, Andi, and Bex just sit there sniffling. Tears slowly run down our faces, knowing that we have to face the reality of death.
Cyrus's POV:
I can't breathe, I can't deal with this. There's so much people attending to me. I can't speak but all i am thinking is "NO GO TO JONAH NOT ME" but they left him alone. Once the IV didn't work, the last paramedic left him in the ambulance. I couldn't believe my eyes. I'm gonna lose Jonah. I drove him to this. It's my fault. After that thought I blacked out.

3rd person POV;
Cyrus is now unconscious and they put him in the same ambulance as Jonah

Cyrus's POV:
The doctors had given me sedatives to calm me down. I could've died. I'm in a gurney next to Jonah. His lifeless body is just there. He's cold and limp. The blood on him is dried up. All I can do is crying on him.
"Oh Jonah I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I will always love you"

"Ahhhh" I say in anger and turmoil

I slam both my fists really hard on his chest.
I suddenly see the monitor he's hooked on start to move.
"DOCTOR" I say
"OMG!!" The paramedic yelled
Paramedic: everyone here stat!!
Paramedic 2: I got an IV in, omg it's a miracle!
*the paramedics start to give him a blood transfusion*
"WE HAVE A PULSE!!" The paramedics yelled

"Oh my god, he's gonna be okay..."
I cry with tears of joy.
"It's okay little guy" the paramedic tells me
"You saved your friend"
"My best friend" I say

I see that Jonah is getting some color back. He's in bad shape though. His cuts are patched. And I can see his thumb twitching next to me.

We had already left his house and Buffy, Andi, and Bex were gonna meet us at the hospital. We hit a speed bump and Jonahs gurney moved. He moaned. I was in shock.

*cough.cough* "Cyrus?"
I cry with happiness knowing he's alive
"Are u okay" I say
Jonah moves his thumb facing up
I kiss his thumb.
Jonah then smiles
Oh I love him so much!
I lay back down to rest before we reach the hospital.

Omg I'm sorry for not updating! I've been busy with band camp. And life. I'll try to update tomorrow. I hope you like this chapter. It's
2:39am and I wake up at 6:10am so¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I didn't proofread so...

Omg did u see the sneak peek!! I loved it so much #JYRUS!

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