Chapter 10: First Day Back

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Cyrus's POV:
"Andi, what are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to stop by and tell you how sorry I am for being "difficult" lately."

"Well, I appreciate that, but why did you come when I wasn't home." I said
"I knew you wouldn't let me in, so I waited till you left the hospital to hop on my electric scooter to get to your house right before you arrived." Andi said

Andi saw me at the hospital? How did she know I was there? What did she see?

"Andi, you saw me at the hospital?"
"Damn right I did." She said.

Oh shit! I'm scared that she might've seen something.
"Well, how did you Know I was there?" I said
"I wanted to visit Jonah, I had wanted to sort things out with him." Andi said
"But then I saw the two of you......

"Ughh, you were right Cyrus. Jonah does like you."
"I saw you guys kiss."
"Jonah never looked at me the way he did to you after we kissed."

"So you're not mad?" I say
"Why would I be? I just have to adjust to my best friend and former crush dating. No big deal." Andi says using a lot of sarcasm.

"Look, Andi, I'm sorry that Jonah doesn't have feelings for you, I really am." I say

"Easy for you to say, you're the one that he can make out with."

"It also turns out the letter was for me, well the positive letter least." I say

"I figured." Andi says smugly

"Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna leave and get ready for school tomorrow." Andi says

"Bye Andi, sit with me tomorrow at lunch ?"
"I guess, sounds good." She says.



ugh 😑 it's 6:00am and I really don't want to get up. It's the first day of school. I'm finally going to be in 9th grade. Which means I'm going to Grant High School. Which means I'm going to school with.......Amber. Oh god, imagine if we bump into each other. I'm not looking forward to this.

I finally arrive at Grant and I've only been on the premises for 2 minutes and people are already giving me weird looks. Like shit, I thought high schoolers were mature. I think we all know they're not. And guess who I see using my peripheral vision. Yes, the one and only, Amber.

I pretend not to see her, but as we cross paths, she pulls on my backpack and my feet make an abrupt stop. This obviously won't go well so I'm just gonna stare at the ground.

"What do you want Amber?"

"Oh nothing, where are your friends?" She says slyly

"They'll be here, now leave me alone!"

"Listen to me shrimp, no one talks to me like that, you got that!"

I'm not used to confrontation, so I'm just letting this happen. And now even more people are staring at me.

Cyrus: Amber please...leave me alone, people are staring.
Amber: They're not staring at you because of me, it's because of your boyfriend, Jonah.
Cyrus: Well he's in a hospital, so......
Amber: Oh you haven't seen.
Cyrus: Seen what?
Amber: Oh, this is gonna be good, you won't wanna be Jonah's boyfriend after you see this.
Cyrus: SEE WHAT?!
Amber: Oh, shut up Goodman!

Amber pulls a videotape out of her backpack and hands it to me.
Amber: Here, watch this.....alone. I think Andi and Buffy must've had a glimpse at this. After all I sent everybody what's on this videotape, except for you. Because I wanted you to be last. I want you to watch this in disgust and see your boyfriends true colors.

Cyrus: SHUT UP! I don't care if Jonah did something bad. I'll always love him. And you can shut your whore mouth. You don't deserve to say his name!

I take the tape and put it in my backpack. I walk to 1st Period and take a seat.

Amanda Anderson
Jonah Beck

No one says a thing, I really don't wanna say anything. But OMG I HAVE JONAH FOR 1st Period!!!

"Ok I guess he's not here." Mr. Collins, my teacher says.

It's lunchtime and I can't find Andi and Buffy. I haven't seen them all day. I secretly take out my phone and text them.

Cyrus: Where r u guys?
Buffy: Me and Andi are still in Biology.
Cyrus: I'm at Lunch
Buffy: We both have Lunch B
Cyrus: oh😞 I have lunch A
Andi: Sorry Cy. Hopefully we have a class together.

The rest of the day went by and gosh, I am totally having mixed emotions. I have my friends for none of my classes, not even lunch. But I do have Jonah for ALL my classes! Yes! He signed up for the Pre-AP and Advanced courses. I'm so proud of him. He's super smart, at least I try to make him think that. Even though he doesn't make the best decisions.

Texting after school

Cyrus: Jonah!
Jonah: yes? HOW WAS SCHOOL?!
Cyrus: bad except for the part that WE HAVE ALL OUR CLASSES TOGETHER!
Jonah: omg that's AMAZING!!
Cyrus: I know, I can't wait till you come back in 3 weeks, right?
Jonah: About that, I think I'll be back.....tomorrow
Jonah: ok let's chill and calm down 😂
Cyrus: ok Jonah, I'm so excited, but I gotta shower. Ttyl
Jonah: Ok I'll ttyl ❤️
I get out of the shower and I see my backpack laying on the floor. I remember the videotape that Amber gave me. Should I watch it. Well how bad is it? Is this why people are staring at me. Does Jonah know about this? How will this affect him tomorrow?

I grab the tape and put it inside my old VHS player. Geez how did she turn this into a tape. Luckily I'm retro and still have a player for it.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've been super busy. And school is starting in 2 days and I'm going to bed at 5am. I didn't proofread this.


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