Chapter Nine: That's Odd

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Hello!! How is everyone's day? Boring? Exciting? Tiring? Let me know c: I'm feeling tired, the usual, as its 12 o'clock at night.. I know.. I always write the chapters late at night.. I can't help it.. I get inspired when I'm exhausted haha xD sorry if both of the books do not make sense to some of you. I'm planning on editing the first book since it was the first book I have ever written. Plus I always just.. Went along with it and it sounded good in my head until I re read some of the chapters that make me kind of.. cringe.. I'm thinking about getting rid of the new version of get away with me as well since it kind of... Shouldn't exist.. Let me know if you feel the same way . Maybe one day I will write a new book that is Avery's perspective instead.. Who knows.. Also let me know if you wouldn't mind wondering what went through Avery's head. I know I wrote a couple of chapters with his perspective but.. Eh. Might write a story about him.. Might not. I know I'm rambling so.. Yeah on with the story.

Ever since that day of me snooping around an finding those.. things, Avery hasn't stopped smiling. He won't even answer my questions.. He told me he would show me what they are for.. But I already know what they do.. I know how to plug up a sink so the water doesn't drain.. But why does he laugh?

Is he making fun of me?


"Yes love?"

We were in the middle of eating at the table in the dining room. Well.. I was eating spaghetti and meatballs while he was drinking his blood from a wine glass. I don't know why he drinks out of a wine glass but whatever.

"Why can't you just tell me what it does. Or show me even?"

"Here we go again" Setting down his now empty wine glass. He pinched the bridge of his nose, looking slightly annoyed.

"What is so hard about telling me?"

"Why do you have to bring it up?"

"Quit asking me questions and expecting me to answer when you haven't even answered my question."

"I don't have to answer your questions, Love. Besides, I like you being curious and confused." He moved his hand, that was pinching his nose with, down under his chin. Resting his elbow on the table as he stared at me.

"Well I hate it." I grumbled as I continued eating my spaghetti.

"They are just sink plugs-"

"They are not."

Looking up at him I stared wide eyed. "They aren't? What are they then?"

"Why does this conversation have to happen? I told you, I'll show you what it does.. One day."

"Show me now" I looked at him giving him a look.

His eyes dilated.


"But Why-"

"You are too young and innocent to know what it does."

"Innocent this, innocent that. Why do you say that? I'm a teenager for crying out loud! I'm not-"

"You're a virgin Katlynn."

"Eh?... So?! What does that have anything to do with-" immediately Avery rose up from the table walking toward me. Lifting me up with the collar of my shirt, he kissed me, roughly.

"A-Avery" ignoring me his hand suddenly began to rub against me.

"Stop!" I pushed him away. Walking backwards I stared at him wide eyed only to trip over the chair and fall over. Hitting my head against the tiled floor.

"Katlynn!" Rushing toward me he reached out for my hand only I ignored it. Tears rolled down my face from the pain on the back of my head.

"You're not ready Katlynn. That's why."

"Im going outside for some air.. Alone."

He only nodded his head.

I got up, immediately walking out into the back yard.

Stupid Avery. Feeling the throbbing pain on the back of my head as I held it.

Its cool outside, the sky is all cloudy as well. It might rain soon.

Wish I brought a jacket with me.. I hate him.

Dipping my hands into my pants pockets, I began to kick a pebble. Following it as it went into a random direction, not paying attention.

Kicking it again, a bit more roughly, I heard leaves being crackled like it flew into a pile of leaves or something. Looking up I saw a big bush.

Well there goes my pebble.

This is strange why is this bush here? I began to walk around it but it was like a block. Wait..

Following the edge of the bush I found an entrance.

Is this a maze?

What's in the maze?


Grabbing my head, I bent down a bit, as it painfully throbbed.

"What the hell?"

Hearing laughter, I looked around seeing nothing of the sort.

That's odd.

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