chapter 6

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Please forive me I was getting lazy but I am back eojdbdud

Your pov

As soon as I heard brianas voice I whipped (cream) my head over to her and boris's direction "but how!?!?" But then for a second I saw a halo then it disappeared I smile a little "you know n/n....don't you?" After she said that I nodded

She grabbed boris's hand a tint of red??? Ajd walked over to me and bendy making a group hug. "First n/n give me your arm" she said I hesitated she wrapped the cuts in bandages "Now what about we go do something fun since briana is back" bendy said with a smile we all agreed briana chuckled nervously.

First we went to a restaurant I ordered f/f bendy orded a burger boris orderd a hot dog and briana had celery sticks. We went to a park and sat on a bench with bendy while the 2 12 year-olds play at the playground

"ya now what I just relized"says my devil darin I looked at him to listen "Boris it taller than briana" we look over to them making hearts at us but briana stopped "HEY THATS NOT TRUE I AM NOT THE SHORTEST HERE" briana pointed out "you kinda are" said bendy with a smirk.

"I WILL SHOW YOU (SHIP NAME)" she yelled and continued playing ignoring us I giggle. Bendy stated to cough, my hair was turning black "Why now!?!" We said in sync  ink dripping everywhere briana and borisrushing to our side

No ones pov

Bendy screamed in pain y/n reached out for him but passing out

Short timeskp brought to you by the duck song

Boris and briana finished wiping the ink off of y/n and bendy poor lovers suffer the same pain just in time when y/n and bendy woke up "we are sorry briana that we ruined this" y/n said looking at the ground bendy nodding "You didn't ruin it what about we do karaoke? " I brighten up I love to sing.

@nother time skip

Still no ones point of view

"Who is going first" boris said wagging his tail "DUETS" briana said starts in her eyes wihhlin her eyebrows at y/n and bendy "who will go first?" Asked bendy "(ship name) should go first" briana said smirking they  agreed.

Just listen to the songs plzzz

Your and bendys song

Boris and briana were like fangirls/boys boris accidentally broke a chair while briana jumped onto a table breaking it, also yelling

"NOW ITS BRIIS's (bri-is) TURN"yelled bendy wanting revenge even thouh her loved being shipped with you, his angle cake

They went up and chose a song blushing and hesitating their plan backfired

The part where it says 'if you are loving somebody put your hands up wishing you can give them everything' y/n, bendy, boris and briana were putting up there hands up

We left to go home boris and briana staying quiet blushing.....briana has alot explaining to do

Hey hey hey I am sorry for not updating uhh forgive me?

babtqftim Bendy x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt